
Finding out his girlfriend was a lying thief and was about to start getting a lot of incredibly negative attention?

You didn’t get Noah’s memo that Cam is a top 5 QB and he can do no wrong, and the only reason he isn’t in the league is because of racism?

I get they won’t admit their mistakes outright, but the fact they don’t just delete posts like that when it turns out the situation was a hoax and they were absolutely wrong is just ridiculous.

You’re doing the Lord’s work.

So how long until the claims that the vaccine caused this and that Bronny is actually dead and whoever we see return to the public eye is actually a clone LeBron had made to cover up his son’s death?

I’m still expecting a follow-up by Kalyn about how this whole incident wasn’t even Carlee’s fault, it was the fault of White America and the White Police Chief was in the wrong to dismiss this as a hoax so quickly even before her attorney admitted it was.

The threshold isn’t even that high, it’s gotten substantially lower to the 10-15m range.


Since you can earn money from a job, or get money in exchange for other money, all money is forgery. It makes perfect sense.

I was confused by that too, I swore Musk said his mommy told him he shouldn’t do this because it was immature and definitely not because her son would get his ass kicked for the whole world to see.

I’m wondering too if this is the first time she had to use his place for safe haven, or if this has happened before. The fact her first thought for someplace safe after the attack was her BIL’s house tells me she has probably had to hide from her husband there before and that the BIL knew this was going on, otherwise

Also the fact that they found out she stole/was planning to steal from them probably didn’t make them feel great.

She was googling how to steal money from a register and not get caught. I think she vastly overestimated how much money she could steal from work and thought it would be enough to disappear. Meanwhile she got like $107.

So what's the status on her hefty defamation suit you said she was gonna have against everyone calling her a liar from the start?

From the articles I’ve seen there’s no footage of the area they were in itself, but there’s video of him going after racist dude with a weapon and then coming back into view saying he had been stabbed. I’m guessing the lack of additional charges is because Rone told people he was going to handle Tonkin then is seen on

The only thing I even remember seeing Chet in is when he played an abusive douchebag boyfriend on Shameless, although it turns out that didn’t require acting since he was just playing himself.

In today’s edition of here’s where we rip off Icy Veins...

I think someone was saying the headlines aren’t actually written by the people that do the articles, but the second part about how DeSantis and company just now made you realize elections matter seems... bad?

It’s amazing how elaborate she tried to make this and yet the execution was so fucking bad.
