
That’s exactly what she was trying to make it sound like. According to their reports the family had just warned her prior to this incident about people using toddlers as bait for abductions. Amazing timing.

They were more than happy to suggest the white woman on the plane that saw someone no one else saw and demanded off the plane was a drunk Karen, but this they can't suggest is a hoax.

However, the internet has decided Russell’s disappearance was a lame cry for attention."

The other issue being if the cash in her sock was stolen from work, since she had searched for how to steal from register and not get caught right before this and grabbed other stuff from the spa before taking off.

At this point you can’t convince me Claire isn’t an AI that they use to put out press releases under a real sounding name.

I was in the same boat, I had it years ago and just kind of stopped playing at some point because I got tired of trying to min/max the guns to to get past some of the more annoying fights.

Barbie has made dolls after many of our heroes!

Somehow they decided to leave this up with the rewrite they did... AND write a whole separate article saying the complete opposite of what the first article said.

Her stupid fucking residuals video just reminds me of Affleck in Good Will Hunting demanding a retainer during the job interview.

Weird Candace didn’t write this article, this is usually just the kind of thing she does. Can’t think what the difference is between this situation and the usual Candace “Black twitter hates/loves this” article.

The bloggers here are upset that they posted 3 articles painting her as a victim of human trafficking kidnappers and a hero that tried to save a toddler while telling everyone to stop spreading “lies” when it turned out the “lies” are the truth or closer to the truth than the BS this site has been spewing about her

Barb gets the passive that makes them slow everyone they bleed, so giving something bleed does make them take extra damage from +dmg to CC/slow.

I wonder how much money she actually thought she could get from a register at work to make this elaborate plan worthwhile. If all she got was the $170 she had in her sock this was not well thought out.

This won’t help the “hefty” defamation win Kalyn said she has coming

I'll try but no promises.

Her search history just prior to this included “Taken”, “how to steal money from register and not get caught”, “do you have to pay for Amber Alert”, “minimum age for Amber Alert” and more.

Holy shit, you need to listen to the press conference from today with the updates because HAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT this story is even dumber than originally thought.

Based off the amount of backlash I have to assume there will be some sort of meet in the middle. I know with Sony I think the updates have to be approved and ready to go a certain time prior to implementation but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a new patch Thursday when the season comes out softening the nerfs a

My point was the headline pointing out this happened to a Black woman seemed unneeded and only used to attempt to make this a racist situation.