
Neither of us can say what the “white boy” stopped him from doing, but since the guy was yelling that he would be perfectly happy going to jail and getting a life sentence while throwing things at other people on the train there’s a decent chance he prevented this guy from committing another assault.

Frankly I am absolutely shocked that Candace decided to leave out this detail.

From the reports out there the 15 minutes number is actually how long it took for EMT to get there, he let go of the choke in under 3 when the guy went limp.

Chances are the guy putting him in a choke hold wasn’t trying to kill him, just subdue him. Hence why while they were holding him they were telling passengers to call 911 to get actual help.

There’s not zero chance he knew about the guys priors since plenty of people have said the unstable guy was regularly at the stops. In his eye’s he was a guy acting aggressively and yelling that he was ready to die.

A. he was a Marine so he probably knew how to defend himself

The only thing that makes this about race is because Candace said so. The guy that did the choke is a Marine, and this Marine saw a person acting aggressive on a crowded subway car then suddenly shouting that they’re ready to die.

There’s posts about how the guy that died jumped on someone at the same stop Sunday and tried to push the person on the tracks, and that the deceased had 44 priors mostly for assault. Luckily Candace is here to tell us about how the guy that stopped him is the bad guy.

I imagine the slander possibility is why they flagged the article as opinion, but Candace asserting as fact that the guy only went after this woman because he’s a racist that wanted to beat up a black woman might void any protections an opinion piece gives.

That’s actually not how any of this works. If you and your accomplice go into a store, grab all the merchandise you can carry and bolt for the door you aren’t innocent because your buddy got out and you got caught.

It’s both sad and hilarious I didn’t even need to seethe byline to know who wrote this garbage.

Counterpoint, don’t steal.

How am I not surprised she basically just copied an AP article, posted it as her own and still managed to leave out a very important part.

That’s half of my ordering. Get bored, pop some edibles, then decide I’d rather pay the stupid fees to get some hopefully still warm food delivered rather than go hop in my car.

I forget the name of it but the unique fire shotgun absolutely melts the clown boss/butchers after that

She doesn’t like it as much as she likes bringing illegal drugs into foreign countries then being surprised to get arrested for doing so, but she isn’t opposed to it either.

That’s pretty much all she does. That or she picks a target and just writes a ton of articles about that like when she did 10-15 Chris Rock articles in a week and a half all about how he deserved to get hit for making a joke.

This isn’t the first time she has said outright that someone popular has no talent whatsoever. It’s almost comical at this point.

Go easy on Candace, it’s hard to fill the space when she can’t just post 20 tweets from people with like 17 followers that she found agreeing with her shitty takes.

Are you sure you should be the one calling out someone for being bad at their career choice and having no talent? I’m not sure the internet can handle this much hypocrisy on a Monday morning.