
You’ll have to forgive the staff here, they don’t realize something is news until they see some random person on Twitter post about it then they think it’s breaking news.

They apparently don’t care that the multiple-page block of Taboola feed clickbait garbage they added broke the comment section on most/all the G/O sites for the majority of the articles.

This is the same author who claims Abraham Lincoln owned a ton of slaves and the same site that is apparently happy with the fact that the comment section on most articles is now covered by like 6 pages of Taboola feed clickbait shit, so it’s pretty much par for the course.

I didn’t realize til the 27th viewing that Homelander is actually Keyser Soze

On the bright side it helps to not taste the Papa Johns food.

Papa Johns already had that taken care of, they just gave it a cool ranch dusting.

Cheddars/Rallys fries are fantastic

My main issue is their almost 100% markup if you use DD. Considering fulfilling a DD order isn’t much different than someone in the drive thru there’s no reason the prices should double for those orders.

To steal from a movie I like and since it really fits here,

Since the Taboola feed portion of the page is now bigger than the content of pretty much all the G/O sites and said feed also managed to break the comments section for some of them I’m guessing that headline isn’t far off.

Computer science major? Maybe you guys should have him intern to fix your broken ass site. Good job breaking the comments section with shitty taboola ads, that’ll increase traffic.

I still can’t believe what he just did to the best team in basketball with the best basketball player in the world.

If she posts that Kid Rock’s restaurant is her favorite place to eat when she’s in Nashville will he blow it up?

If he was really guilty she would have been dead or at least too disabled to go out in public. Case dismissed.


I wish my memory wasn’t as good at remembering random disgusting things, but wasn’t there an article a while back about how Proud Boys can’t have sex with women but they do group masturbation sessions with each other?

I wonder how awkward family reunions are since most of them probably are simultaneously uncles/aunts/cousins/parents/siblings.

You’re right, the ending is comically bad. Going from just silliness to that was one hell of a weird decision.

My favorite was the other day when The Root did an article about how Twitter was exploding about something, and to back up their claim they posted a tweet from a guy with like 37 followers and the tweet itself didn’t have a single like.

I don’t know, she really isn’t that bright apparently so she might not.