
According to Noah McGee Abraham Lincoln was a well-known slave owner. So, to answer your last question, yes.

Not just Kotaku. Half the articles on The Root and a bunch on Jez are just posting some shitty take they saw on Twitter with other tweets from people with less than 1,000 followers to back them up.

Same, I’ve only had one or two incidents when all of a sudden the sounds get buggy or the voices don’t match up to mouth movements in video so I exit to menu and hop back in.

The ToS for the betting apps state, for very obvious reasons, that you acknowledge you aren’t associated directly with any sports team. Acting like these guys had no idea they weren’t allowed to do this is just dumb.

Parents were ignoring the doctor despite the fact they were obviously happy with the doctor’s work in the past since they’ve treated two of the couple’s other children. Maybe when a doctor repeatedly tries to tell you what you’re doing could cause brain damage/death to your newborn you should listen to them.

The dumbest part about TheRoot/Jez running with this article as some giant act of racism despite the doctor having treated the couple’s other kids and this being done for the health of the child not to punish the parents is that if the doctor hadn’t intervened and the child ended up dead/with brain damage there would

Except the security guard wasn’t condescending or screaming in AB’s face, he was literally doing his job of clearing people from the field. Nice how you invent fake situations based on an edited video from a guy with mental issues and run with it though.

Someone else brought this up and I actually wonder now, can’t anyone making a fake account for a US agency/government body be charged with impersonating a government officer/employee?

The only thing I didn’t like about her section was that multiple times it was like her foot got caught on an invisible box and she ate a sword to the head.

Big fan of popping some edibles and throwing on a Borderlands game.

I like the fact that Noah can’t even spell the name Bob now. I’m not sure if this is a new level of bad or not considering his recent works.

I did read the article, I also read the statements from the guy actually in charge of the field about the fact that not only was AB not supposed to be on the field, but AB was trying to bring kids onto the field while they were trying to put down the banner. Not terribly surprised he was being a complete dick and

It isn’t a great sign when reading portions of articles on here makes me wonder if I’m currently having a stroke or if the writer had one while typing and still posted it.

It really is impressive, especially since he’s still being sued personally by Dominion so posting this video still claiming they cheated and stole the election AFTER Fox settled a suit and acknowledged they lied about it is basically just handing Dominion a pillow company.

The irony here being he could have just used the factual info from wikipedia for a more accurate post but decided to just be wrong, meanwhile he has happily copied entire paragraphs from wikipedia before for slideshows.

Does reposting this as updated each week count towards your post quota or something? It’s a slideshow of sneakers not some current event that needs regular updates.

Yeah god forbid he calmly explained who he was to the security guard instead of acting like some douchebag that deserves to get kicked the fuck out.

No, being a part owner of a team absolutely doesn’t mean you own the field. Unfortunately Noah is terrible at his job.

Oh he’s way more stupid than you’re giving him credit for.

Why retire just because you’re turning your brain into mush and you have enough money to live comfortably when you can just keep playing and end up a bit richer but have severe mental issues in your 40s-50s.