
You’re looking for his Insight, not his Perception actually. They’re both wisdom based skills so I understand your confusion

I want to see a black civilization that is “Up North” and they hail from the “Frozen Mountains” or “Fae Forests”. They have survived because of their strong “Engineering/Architecture” skills. Their magic centers around “Ice” or “Water”. Everything in quotes are invariably attached to white races, so shake it up for

I don’t play D&D, but as a black nerd I think there are two points that stick out at me. One, it’s not especially surprising that the creators would draw from real world black cultures to build their fantasy one in an effort to not be offensive. And two, I just think that media creators don’t really understand what

and through substitution (of monsters for human ethnicities)

A lot of your points and criticisms are - overwhelmingly valid. This is definitely a fantasy anchor rooted in the early Edgar Rice Burroughs, H Rider Haggard, and Jules Verne style which is - ready to be hauled up.

I talked to them a lot about inclusion when I interviewed a couple of the leads there for a story (on a somewhat different topic) earlier this year, but never did a follow up because my interview recording got screwed up. My impression at the time, and still, was they were a bunch of white guys trying *really* darn

Like Chult, the Forgotten Realms setting of Maztica, Al-Qadim, Shou and Kara-Tur have always been hackneyed reflections of their real world analogues. Knowing how these sorts of things almost inevitably go, with even the best intentions sunk by unrecognized bias, stereotyping or omission, I’m always surprised when

Aren’t there plenty of black nerds in the US and worldwide, people that can write and like fantasy? I can understand if some indie game is with a only couple of writers has a pretty narrow cultural perspective but this is a big well known property. You can afford to hire some consultants and writers to help develop

Honestly, those criticisms—particularly concerning the language choices (I didn’t realize that only three of the languages spoken on the African continent included clicks; I definitely learned something about both the area and my own preconceived notions today)—seem both fair and perfectly reasonable.

While I will

Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.

I mean, let’s be honest: D&D has a race problem... and it’s the Tieflings.

This seems like a Damned if you, damned if you don’t kind of situation. I’m happy they published the adventure, even if they stumbled. They tried, which is a weird thing I have come to appreciate from white people around me as a PoC. It’s awkward sometimes, but I appreciate they try to include me and be mindful of me

It being Utah, their parents are probably more upset they said ‘fuck’.

I actually interviewed Lexi Alexander, the Warzone director a few years back and she explained that she went with campy, over-the-top violence specifically because she wanted to push the film out of the realm of reality.

This is an excellent piece.

There’s not many churches that can say they only ended segregation within my lifetime (1973), but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is definitely one: “Despite the end of the priesthood ban in 1978, racist beliefs in the church prevailed. White church member Eugene England, a professor at Brigham Young

Polite racists are the worst & I always got that impression esp with the ones that served missions in some remote parts of the world. It almost became their line of defense when called out on their racist shit. Anyways, that’s really terrible that they’re screwing the homeless like this. I guess they couldn’t convert

ARE you serious? I was always under the impression that the LDS community takes care of their homeless community (housing, food, rehabilitation, etc). I lived there years ago & noped the hell out of there within 5 months. With all the fuckery there, I always held onto the fact that they at least treated their homeless

Oh yeah, to the fragile ass White people, it’s your responsibility to fix what your people have done, not ours. We don’t have to hold your hands or make you feel better. If you claim that you aren’t part of the problem, show us, don’t tell us.

In a story that is nothing but a series of nightmares, the worst is that he was stopped....for riding a fucking bicycle without a light. Absolutely NOBODY was ‘served’, nor ‘protected’ by this senseless bullshit. This man is fucking dead, because he was riding a bike. Wiped off the face of the Earth, murdered, never