
Yes, the movie had flaws, but they didn’t matter to me - Kong: Skull Island is still one of my favorite movie so far this year. Yes, the humans characters are flat, but they don’t have to be three-dimensional. It’s not their movie - it’s Kong’s. The chara ters are tgere to lead you to Kong, give you the context and

People generally liked the movie, so yes, they are defending it. Really doesn’t help that you are aggressively pretentious about hating it.

Idk man, that beard looks pretty luxurious and healthy

“Yeah I bathe in pain” I snorted lmao

Don’t waste your time. It’s essentially a laundry list of things from the 80s. Do you want to read a glorified list? I read it and wish I could get those few hours back.

I don’t have any opinion on the trailer one way or another, but as someone who likes ‘Stranger Things’ and despised the book ‘Ready Player One,’ I’ll give you my opinion. RPO never lets up with the nostalgia torrent. The character is so immersed in a soup of ‘80s cultural references that they become a substitute for

I dunno why Era Vulgaris gets put down, I find it to be a solid rocker front to back. And IMHO, has my fave art work from all their releases.

You have to remember Jessica is the only person who’s not there because they’ve got some lofty idea of their purpose. It’s basically:

I do wonder if we’ll ever see George’s outline for Episodes VII-IX. I would be curious to see where he would have taken the series.

Correct. Dadtaku stories are written for parents to say “oh man yes this is bad i understand this”, not for teenagers to give unsolicited parenting advice.

I’m so mad at OoT, and I’m not even the one suffering from the misfortune of being married to him.

This is funny, because on my Dem Thrones podcast, we actually call them the Bernie-hova Witnesses

There are two sides to every story and I would like to hear/read less of the blame game that has surfaced and more unbiased reasons for Andromedas failure. I mean, Casey Hudson dealt with such a harsh backlash from ME3 and yet soldiered on to produce ME: Andromeda. Clearly, something was screwy very early on with

This really sucks. I really enjoyed Andromeda. It’s one of my favorites from this year. But I guess the romance and conversations were my most hated parts of the game (I’m sorry but since ME1 the series has been so fucking badly written, awkward, nerdy, and basically just like really fucking weird and sociopathic that

I blame the mismanagement, but I also blame the gamers.

After listening to 18 months of “Rogue One is going to suck because Gareth Edwards wants to make a gritty war movie and there is no way Disney lets him kill everyone off”, and then actually seeing Rogue One, I’m assigning this article “the hottest take” status.

I’m sorry. Rude of me. Just ... with all the hate on STD and this movie before they’ve even come out I grow weary of the pre-judgment internet culture.

Well, he certainly is a journeyman’s director, which mean’s we will probably get a rather bland, paint-by-the-numbers movie.

I love all things Star Wars and have absolutely zero interest in this film. I have no idea if I’m alone in this or weird for it. I just don’t feel like there’s a need for it and can only see it making me not like Han Solo.