
I looked, but I didn’t see ‘Murican Jesus (also known as Supply-Side Jesus). Maybe it’s because I was looking for the assault rifles he perpetually carries and the American flag he has draped across his shoulder.

I’m so glad they keep working on the game, despite people being rude and downright abusive with their comments. I can understand not liking the game and wanting to see some changes, but there are so many people just using this as a chance to go and straight up attack Bioware.

As a historian, I wish I could give more than just one star to that a mount of deduction.

Some technical indicators of date in this picture.

Now playing

It’s not especially high on my list of desired remakes, but I think it could do well in the present climate of shared universes. Make a Phantom movie, a Flash Gordon movie, a Mandrake/Lothar movie and then...

A thousand times THIS. The toys were amazing, and the show was a ton of fun. An animated reboot with CGI vehicles would be excellent.

Cheesy name aside, it was a surprisingly deep post-apocalyptic drama, which makes sense given J. Michael Straczynski’s involvement. There has been a push to remake or make a prequel, but that seems to have stalled.

Didn’t even think of that. I like that interpretation immensely.

It’s not the cute, quirky Twin Peaks that was made for a broadcast network twenty-six years ago, but it is 110-proof David Lynch with all the chains off. If that’s not your cup of tea, fair enough. I’m a huge Lynch fan, but he’s not easy company and TBH I don’t think he gives a shit about being so.

Literally Lynch making fun of ‘netflix and chill’ crowd by murdering a young couple watching an empty box with a window to the outside world.

“When you became Denise, I told all of your colleagues, those clown comics, to fix their hearts or die!”

I loved that beat, too. Like a surly little kid.

The highlight of the episode was Shadow’s grumpy “Yes, I like marshmallows.”

What, so that means no planned DLC in the works??

Are you fucking kidding me. I mean Andromeda wasn’t the greatest thing ever made but it was a solid 8/10 overall (especially once patched) and had some great merits, especially when it came to characters with the squaddies being on the whole far better than in the original trilogy, and had enough to set up a future

Damn. Hopefully not RIP. I enjoyed Andromeda quite a bit. Perfect? Far from it. But there was a lot that was done right. I was looking forward to a refined sequel.

Does this mean no DLC?

Karl Urban has done both movies and TV (like Almost Human), so I bet he would be totally down with reprising his role. And, honestly, I could definitely see a Judge Dredd TV show working out really, really well.

The account of ‘Frank’ was moving. Play Therapy is a common thing that therapists use to engage kids since, as you said Cecilia, direct questions are usually ineffective with children. But you can learn so much if you take the focus away from them and place it on a common activity. This is beautiful. Cecilia, thanks