
On the subject of the hatred of Superman, well, it's not really that surprising is it?

This should give you the general idea.

I loved all of it - fantastic stuff that takes me back to being a tiny lamb again :D

I can't help but imagine a hockey announcer providing running commentary for some of the more bad-ass moments on the show.

"Murdock is leaning on the stair railing, dangling a fire extinguisher in one hand. He's listening for the man who just left. It's all very tense, he's repositioning the extinguisher....

Me: “Oh, hey, this isn’t too bad so far.”

I remember seeing this ad all the time. But instead of looking at the girl, I was always looking at the guy. God, how did I not know I was gay at that age?!

What on earth were they trying to convey in this advert? Be a sweaty wiener?

This is the one I remember most. Every PC Gamer mag for a full year had this ad in the mid 90s...

No woman's tits are big enough to be accurate to comic book characters.

And I believe Annie and Clarabel were attached!

Finally, my years of Sodor and Marvel-related pieces of esoteric knowledge pay off!

I know it's a pipe dream, but if George the Steamroller somehow flattens Yellowjacket to save the day, this will officially be the greatest film of all time.

Steven Seagal is doing what he is doing every Friday.

A joke would be:

It's always been blue. The action figure in the 80's was blue. I've never heard of anyone who thought it was brown until now.

Because blah blah blah fixed point in time blah blah blah doohickey blah blah blah time travel.

Ultron would have a few minor appearances in the 2010s, but his next major emergence would also be one of his weirdest.

...except the boss battles.

Sitting on my desk right now is a Swiss Army knife I bought as a young soldier at my first duty assignment back in the late 1980s. It's not the best knife or multi-tool I own, the red plastic sides came off long ago (which means I don't have the toothpick or tweezers anymore either) and the tips of both knife blades

"No, it won't."

Under the Skin. I greatly enjoyed it, but there are many very long scenes of Scarlett Johansson driving around Scotland in a van. Go pee, and when you come back, she'll still be driving around Scotland in a van.

It was admittedly tempting.