
Didn’t use oil -dry and cracked.

What? There’s someone crazier than Loopy Lena Dunham? Just kidding! If that was Dunhams’ room she’d have pictures of endometriosis on the walls then shame you for looking.

She married Kris Jenner. That tells you everything you need to know.

Is it PC to call Caitlyn a dickhead? Who cares? She’s a dickhead.

The coyotes are pissed at the Indians for calling them “Trickster”.

Save your money. I bought one for 90 bucks several years ago. It sticks, it always sticks, it will forever stick. Very disappointed, though the lid is well made and does fit other pans. I should have sent it back to Amazon though I waited too long. I keep it now as a reminder to never buy All Clad anything. I’ve had

Save your money. I bought one for 90 bucks several years ago. It sticks, it always sticks, it will forever stick.

Olivia needs to layoff on the Quickset concrete makeup. Jesus, she looks terrible.

He will Save your hair-weave. Call upon Rainbow Jesus.

So labeled so a woman doesn’t get them confused with tampons.

Now the three women are crying discrimination because they weren’t attacked and called names.

“Model and body activist” . . .

From the Cleveland Daily Banner (Tennessee) March 1, 2016 interview with Candy Carson.

Rather than adopt a baby, Caitlyn should adopt a brain.

I use calculator at work and am not thrilled. Is much rather have abacus.

Face it. Without her “credentials” she’s the crazy bag-lady screaming at fire hydrants about whitey making her left-rear shopping-cart wheel wobble.

I didn’t know Carrot Top was in transition. Go back, CT, stop the hormones!

More interesting would be DNA tests of the Avery family. There are serious genetic problems in that family and willing to bet that incest goes back at least two generations.

This is easily the most interesting thing that’s ever happened at any auto show.

The same person that photoshops Oprah.