
I’ll add that although I think this is rad (and adorable), what we really need is a mini-SNES, ideally one that lets you play/buy any SNES game. I’d pay good money for that.

Krugman. You fucking pulled Paul McDouchnuts Krugman.

Disgusting stuff.

As a non-asshole Christian, I just wanted to point out that WBC isn’t even really a church- they’re all lawyers, and their scam to get paid is to be as vulgar and insulting as possible, then sue the people who lash out at them.

Just reminding all of you that Christians dislike WBC just as much as non-Christians do.

Source: I’m a Christian.

When I was a kid, we didn’t have no damn Pokémon. I had to worship at the alter of sin by playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, which required me to carry around 30 lbs of books and dice in my backpack and be maligned relentlessly by the non-nerds. Man, you kids have it so easy today.

The other funny thing I’ve seen on their twitter was the Pastor’s daughter posting a boycott for Apple. The funny part about that was on the tweet it had the “posted from Twitter for iPhone” mark on it.

Usually, there’s nothing funny about the WBC. In this case though, it’s hilarious to imagine this intern who runs their Twitter trying to explain how he knows so much about the Pokemons to these virulent racists.

I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.

Following a structure does not make a story formulaic and trite. in fact, if someone spent time developing complex characters, unique dialogue, and entertaining settings, they could follow a perfectly cliche plot structure and still walk away with a great story. Furthermore, this graphic doesn’t detail any specific

No. If you read the chart, it doesn’t actually give much in the way of plot points, just the order of escalating conflict. So no “The hero and villain should meet on a mountain and have a debate on page 230,” and more “The victory should have a sacrifice attached.” The chart is much, much less dictatorial than

... I still can’t get on the damn servers.

The very first paragraph of the article:

It was said at TGS last year that FFXIV VR was a TGS exclusive and they had/have no plans for an official release.

That’s a huge generalization and oversimplification in the first place, but there’s a great book that addresses your point. It’s a really eye-opening read: Scarcity: why having too little means so much. It discusses decision-making (and other behaviors) when you have limited resources (both time and money). Side note:

I’m happy he provided the perfect line to summarize why I hate Undertale fans.

I’m wondering whether the first reader will be receptive to your advice. It’s rather hard to take, because it may seem like you’re asking him to set aside how he was raised and what his tradition is. None of us let that stuff go lightly. Dr. Nerdlove, you provided the vinegar. I’m going to provide something else.

Definitely not installing or touching this. I don’t remember turn-based classics like FF6 requiring me to insert a credit card into the disc slot. Fuck That Shit. This is not the classic turn-based FF I want from Square. I’ll keep waiting to see if FF16,17,or 18 is a return to classic for 40-60 bucks for a complete

Yeah, same. I was interested until I got to the point where it said “the game uses energy...”. At that point I literally said “Nope!” out loud. I have zero patience for games which pull stunts like that, as invariably they wind up being designed to maximize income at the expense of fun.