
Sakuya? I thought his name was Minato?

That was you?! Look, I wouldn't have gotten so bent if you hadn't crapped in the bird bath.

Ah, a dreamer after my own heart.

Whoa whoa whoa.

I was actually surprised by the ending. I knew the (SPOILERS) father was going to die but to have the brother die too. That was too much. It was a bitter ending and a perfect one at that.

I need to replay this. The sucky thing is, this'll never, ever, ever, EVER have the same impact on me as it did the first time I played it. I had no idea what I was going into. And I waited months before finally playing this game, so I have no idea how I managed to avoid all spoilers.

that was my favorite game that year. great gameplay and the ending was a delightful punch to the gut

Welcome to another edition of Counterpoint, and boy, is this one ever right up my alley. I swear I'm not the initial letter-writer. As always, keep in mind that this is advice written from the point of view of someone who's Chaotic Neutral in D&D terms—-you probably shouldn't try this at home:

About the same as it does inside.

Is that Dora the Explorer???

I don't think he's actually pissed. I honestly think he's doing this for free PS+ subscriptions. No, I'm not joking.

I apologize in advance but the person suing is a fucking moron. I mean it's just a god damn video game for starters, I knew people cared about resolution or whatever but not to this degree.

Mario is Resourceful...

Animation has been known to turn good students into bad students...

I envy you.

Yes, Ghirahim, Zant, and Gannon have all been confirmed in last night's Nintendo Direct as playable characters! :)

Now, it could be that people are really into leaving their babies on the floor, making some kind of neat baby rug, but I think the anger about babies comes from several different places:

why does his mouth have testicles?

Welp, that saves me the trouble of writing my own reply.

Every time we talk about people not being able to afford things, someone always comes in with a comment that says "just live within your means and everything is fixed."