
Lol that would make me look like every other hyper-mature tween boy who made a PSN account.

I have never played WoW, but I have to wonder if this is anything like I fear leveling of that speed would be in FFXIV. I know they’ve talked about jump potions for XIV and other things to get new players into future expansions faster, but when Heavensward came out, legions of people who already had a class at ARR max

I think it’s because they set their database up very stupidly and gave themselves a massive technical headache for enabling username changes. In which case I understand but still think it’s stupid since it’s their own fault, lol.

Mine is one I thought was cool when I was 13. Needless to say, it is not cool.

Dayum Mega Man looks good. Like, “ok seriously, this is a robot, don’t be creepy” levels of good...

I always wished that FFIX would give me just one more character for name entry, just so that I could have Garnet tell Steiner, “You mustn’t call me ‘Princess’ anymore. From now on, my name is Princess.”

I think the games that really defined my taste as a kid were Final Fantasy VI, Ocarina of Time, and Final Fantasy IX. I was terrible at OoT and never did finish it (the Shadow Temple was scaaaaryyyyyyy!) but JRPGs and adventure games in the vein of 3D Zelda games are my favorites to this day. Plus IX had such a great

I basically avoided the internet all weekend and just heard this morning via a thread where someone wrote a novel about how S-E is horrible and evil.

...Why is there a giant unmarked spoiler picture...

L3 to sprint is terrible. I’m already shoving the stick as far as I can in one direction, I feel like I’m going to break it trying to click it at the same time...

And then I remember that reddit thread I wandered onto a while back where some high school kid was bitching about his controlling parents because they were angry that he spent “8 hours a night” playing and most of his grades were Ds...

RNGesus loves thee not.

I’ve only found two. I suspect most are unobtainable until and unless you backtrack.

Oh, was Ghostbusters really good? It looked so pathetic from the trailers that I didn’t even bother following up on it later, I just assumed it’d be the dog of a movie it looked like. Are you saying I should actually check it out? XD

I’m trying to figure out if this is sarcasm or if I should legitimately mention that they’re the “heroes” of the film but they are technically villains (just not in this specific movie).

I love that idea! Although it wouldn’t have been enough to salvage this film, from the sound of it.

Exactly! Harley always had something of a sex appeal thing going (don’cha wanna rev up yer Harley?), and she’s always been terrifyingly codependent on the Joker, but not just dialing that up to 11 and rolling with it is what made her interesting. Harley having Mr. J withdrawals as Ivy tries to wean her off him. Harley

They said blood family. They’re family by marriage.

Indeed XD Toddlers throwing a temper tantrum.

I knew absolutely nothing about the plot of this play and to be honest it kind of sounds like a train wreck.