
I don’t know... it might destroy them.

Nothing wrong with cheating at a single-player game. One’s reasons for playing may not be the “achievement” factor, and so cheating doesn’t lessen their experience or enjoyment. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Wait, is it actually written like a book? I was under the impression it was just the play script.

That might be partially because you don’t know any girls planning to marry that guy, though.

Counter-counter-counter-counter point (actually I’m not even sure if it is, by this point, but whatever): There are other stones one can use! Particularly if the lady in question has a fondness for a specific color. It doesn’t have to be diamonds.

I keep seeing zoodle recipes and stuff like that but since I don’t have a spiralizer I’ve never taken the veggie noodle plunge. For those who have, how are they? How do they hold up texture-wise, and also taste-wise?

As someone who’s made her own fair share of small work goof-ups with horrifyingly large consequences, I feel for the person who forgot to push that button.

The only reason nobody has changed their name to Pikachu is because you’re not legally allowed to change your name when you’re 10. :P

even Batman can have fun between grunts

I’ve heard people asking if the 2DS was the console before the 3DS.

They already have the DS, 3DS, 2DS, and New 3DS. Folks can’t figure out the naming convention as it is, let’s not add a 3DS 2 to that XD (Aaaand you know Ninty wouldn’t come up with anything better.)

If they pull that off well, I’m definitely interested. I could see myself buying an NX early on for Breath of the Wild if it’s also their new handheld console, because Nintendo handhelds are always the best, and while the Wii U in our house hasn’t gotten a ton of use outside of when my brother (who owns it) has

“Character assassination” =/= “assassination”

I know a few who’ve gone through more than dozens. Pretty sure my ex gave S-E hundreds of dollars for those.

As much as I love that mount, $30 is highway robbery. I’m waiting for a sale. Sleipnir went on sale last Christmas, so I’ve got my fingers crossed.

We’ll see I guess. I’m skeptical but I’d be happy to be pleasantly surprised.

The first demo, the one that came with Type-0, people said the combat was good. The Platinum demo came later and the combat was a distinct step back according to the people who played both.


Really? Everyone I personally know who tried the demo concluded that it was balls and nobody is planning to get the game unless some very surprising reviews come out and we can get it like half off. I guess on the internet there are probably plenty of people who liked it, but between me, my brothers, and my guildmates

Psh, they’re not humans anyway, they’re potatoes mostly. So many lalafell...