
I always loved how this crap works. Places like monuments and zoos and parks, which are essentially owned BY THE PUBLIC, are closed because the “government” cant get their shit together. Its been a long time coming, but the whole governmental process in this country needs a major overhaul. This comes second to my

Kelly Oubre’s casual push is the best part of this.

This comment cured my cancer. +1

He plays like he’s never even been to Lithuania.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Sorry, I forget you only want to read what fits in your little bubble. The Huffington Post is more your style then the comments section.

Everything about this is ridiculous.

Right...but this presumes anyone is interested in the working poor being able to retire (except, obvs, the working poor). I mean, look, I am speaking from an economic point of view. Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

UNC lost to Wofford at home. That event is why snark was invented.

The problem with a general strike is the same problem the left has in every other facet of trying to organize: Whose issue is most important? Are you striking for income inequality, racial inequality, sexual assault, giving everyone a free puppy? Your highly paid skilled workers unions probably don’t give a shit about

Rock chalk.. go fuck yourself. Butler plays in a more competitive league.

It’s gonna be great watching the Niners or the Browns just fuck his future all up.

We’re fighting hard for Ranked Choice Voting here in Maine, which the people approved by vote last year but our legislature (BOTH parties) are doing their damnedest to roadblock it — and the Tea Party governor has flatly refused to implement it.

Your state electoral commissions can allow their own systems of voting, right? You guys should push for preferential voting - that is you vote for the person you really want, but have second, third etc choices that flow down when your no.1 fails. So hypothetically in the presidential election you could have had

Well, nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’.

This is nit a good idea.

It’s good to know there are still people out there that believe the government is completely accountable and responsible with how it spends our money. Such innocence is... refreshing.

Taxation is theft, the only difference is whether you agree with the reason behind it or not. You’re fine with paying taxes for roads, schools, perhaps even healthcare because those are all things we all use and need. What about all the things that taxes get spent on that you’re not fine with? Like say, drone bombing

What’s “racist” about the word “taxpayers”?

Black people pay taxes (I just downloaded my biweekly pay stub..BOY DO I PAY TAXES and yes, I’m Black) - Latinos, Asians and American Indians pay taxes too.

Poor people definitely pay taxes - the lower your wages are, the relatively higher your taxes are.

It’s rich people that