
Isn’t that how the Enterprise defeats its enemies, by ramming them in the mouth with the observation deck?

The Flat Tire is kind of dealbreaker for me. Looking forward to IFA here in a few days so we can get a true comparison of the new devices. I know the Huawei Watch is still high on my list.

By that logic, freedom of the press should only apply to people who publish old timey broadsheets on physical paper. This is the type of discussion that doesn’t help the issue - just straight up say you want to ban all guns and leave it at that. It’s more intellectually honest.

...whether the amendment to the Constitution that explicitly states (go read it) that people who are in militias can own guns also means that people who are not in militias can own guns, and if so, whether and which citizens should own guns. Most of these opinions will be the incorrect opinion.

What makes you think it is that easy? Can you name one thing a government has tried to ban that has been effectively banned? I’ve been asking this question for years now and no one has come up with an answer. Give it a shot.

It’s always good to be sure.

Thank you for this.

The big difference between Ant-Man and Interstellar is that Ant-Man makes no attempt to pretend that their science isn’t scientifically accurate, so I won’t exactly question how the Pym Particles nor the Quantum Realm (Which I am personally convinced is the Microverse). Interstellar, on the other hand tries to be a

No matter what you might think of Uber, cabbie arrogance is fucking annoying. You’re not the only game in town anymore and you can learn to adapt with the times or not. Setting cars on fire is not going to make cab alternative companies just vanish off the face of the earth.

Adam, have you ever actually been in an Uber car? Only a pure, crack-rock socialist could call this company evil. Especially when stacked up against cab companies, whose “policies” towards employees, injured people, and the public at large makes Uber look Utopian. As someone living in downtown Chicago, Uber has

To be fair, 50’s a pretty reasonable age for a teenager’s aunt. I always thought May seemed more like Parker’s grandmother than aunt/mother in the Raimi films.

Looks like there are race relations problems in France too.

Eighty whole people? Golly! I, for one, am glad we fixed this whole prison industrial complex thing. Wooty woot! Time to move on to the next big issue!

It’s all fun and games until someone gets assigned one of the Twilight lockers. Barf.

I’m against discrimination but also against forcing people to make you a cake when they don’t want to. Do we really have to sue every bigot? Won’t this just upset them more?

Roles being floated around are obscure comics characters Boom-Boom, Tigra, Blink... and Hawkeye. Yes, that one.

Double back flip? I don’t think so

That toy Skeletor is the Robot Chicken Skeletor. You can tell from that smug look on his face.