
Where does it display your targeted ads?

It's not really a secret that these heroes are drawn to attract the immediate attention of the teenage boys reading these comics. It's true of female heroes, drawn in sexy outfits with breasts busting out, as well as over muscled males, which I would argue align with what these boys would like to look like themselves

Sterling could hold a press conference every day of the rest of his short life and spout off on any vile subject he chooses, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop him. That's what the First Amendment protects. What it doesn't do is protect you from the social consequences of your speech. The NBA, like

It seems like rather than rebooting their franchises, they'd be better served by having new characters step into existing roles. RDJ so perfectly encapsulates Tony Stark that it would be nearly impossible for someone to replace him. But having a different character step into the armor would keep the Iron Man

I laughed hardest at Titanfall's "Featuring "Prime Time", a new song by Linkin Park."

I still say he needs to add The Simpsons on there. That would cover so much ground.

I was in Lawrence after Kansas won the championship in '08, and I've never had more respect for how the police handled the situation that night. They were all dressed in their standard uniforms and mostly just asking people to pour out their beers and climb down off of stuff. They went through the entire night

I just had to return to my own question. I think if you take one individual card order, and then each card can be face up or face down, then that individual order has 2^52 possibilities. You've just multiplied their number by 4.5E15 to get 3.6E83. Assuming your deck has an up or down orientation, then each card

Now I have to wonder what that number grows to if you include the option of each card facing up or down in the deck.

This is ridiculous. Anyone who's had to live with a phone through a two-year contract knows that the two parts of the phone that most need upgrading over that time are the battery and the storage. Only a reviewer who has to live with a phone for just a month would be enamored with an aluminium unibody design that

What would be interesting is having a car that lets you drive, but will step in and take over if it senses an imminent accident. Then, you could have a completely drunk person behind the wheel, and as soon as they threaten to hit anyone or anything, the car would take over and prevent the collision. If the car

As a Kansas fan, I know it's crazy to expect a deep tourney run every year, but that doesn't stop me from being disappointed when they don't play up to seed. If you manage to get a 1 seed in the tourney, then you should be the favorite to make it to the final four. Anything less would truly be an upset. That said,

What made Agent Coulson so enjoyable in the movies is how he handled every situation like it was perfectly normal, that there was a huge world of weird stuff happening and he has seen enough to not be phased by any of it anymore.

I'm starting to think that the FCC exists solely to take these complaints so people don't bother their congressional representatives with this stupid shit. It's like an airline that cancels a bunch of flights and puts one overworked representative out there to handle all of the complaints. You just end up feeling

If my child can't get vaccinated for one of the reasons you listed, and someone's kid spreads one of these diseases to my kid because they refused to get them vaccinated, I'd take their ass to court. If you want to put your kit at risk, fine, be that stupid, but if that then causes harm to my child, you should be

I almost feel like I'm abusing Prime by how frequently I order stuff off of Amazon since I've signed up. There are just so many items that I can wait two days for and not have to spend time going to a store. I've gone so far as to have ordered multiple times in one day because there's just no reason to wait until

I can't say I find her all that funny, but there's no denying how hard working she is. She definitely deserves her success, and she can certainly call out Piers Morgan for being a terrible interviewer..

If the choice is between preventing someone from hurting themselves through painkiller abuse, or making sure that people in pain have the medication they need to manage their pain, I'm going to side with those genuinely in pain every time. As addicting as painkillers are, those who abuse them will always have more

Anyone else wonder why Bud Bundy was there when they first saw the picture?