
Living in KC and waiting patiently for them to finish my install, I can say if your city does get selected, you're still a long long way from having it in your home. I think Google has had a pretty steep learning curve as they build out this large of an infrastructure. But, when the product is this mind-blowingly

In addition to his own locker and jersey, he'll soon be receiving a letter from the NCAA declaring him ineligible for accepting impermissible gifts and signing a professional contract. Their investigation into grade inflation at his high school will be inconclusive, but the rumors that his teachers raised his grades

You mean to tell me that abortion, gay marriage, and the threat of terrorist attack aren't the most critical issues of our time, and that politicians use these to distract us while they get away with robbing us blind to give money to their cronies and brushing aside the constitution when it becomes inconvenient? You

So Republicans have Cadbury Creme Eggs while Democrats have Mounds. Get your shit together Democrats, this is embarrassing.

People act like these techies go around and spit on the homeless for fun and pay children to smoke cigarettes. These techies made their money by working hard and providing a product that people wanted. We willingly pay these tech workers to provide us with better phones, software, and advertising, but people act

Oh my God, he's so fucking wrong on this. Doesn't he realize that poor unmarried women have absolutely no control over how many children they continue to have? These women clearly don't understand that getting pregnant is the result of sex, and even if they did, it isn't like these women are capable of purchasing

That's why it can be a difficult issue. People like to step in and decide for others what is normal or acceptable, which obviously isn't right. At the same time, a sexual fetish could cross the line from harmless to harmful and someone might want treatment to help with that.

If people take a very narrow and closed-minded viewpoint, they may view sexual orientation and sexual fetishes as two areas of sexuality outside of what they perceive as normal, and thus equate them. I emphatically don't agree with that, but I could see how someone could come to that conclusion, especially if they

You could really open a hornet's nest if you question whether people have control over their sexual desires, as that argument has been used against homosexuals for so long. Still, when it comes to specific stimuli, I would guess it's always possible to remove the sexual association if it's encountered regularly

Ugh, the disdain for the GS4 is getting a little tired. If you're going to be holding onto your phone for a full two years, is it possible that you might value being able to replace the battery yourself, or be able to add or swap storage, a little more than appearance?

Is it possible to have it both ways? Couldn't microsoft sell two versions of games, physical discs or digital downloads? The physical discs would work like they do today, tradeable, sellable, playable offline, and tied to the possession of the physical disc. If a player opted for the digital download, then that

So now I'm supposed to give my wife jewelry at birth of our child. Add that to the jewelry I buy her every Christmas, birthday, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, as well as the jewelry each of my children "buys" for their mother with their jar of spare change for each of these occasions and she's going to have