Prayers for Mojo

Ha ha, you felt emotions.

You suck, McBain!

You know what I think this episode suffered from?  Not being Community.

Community is the Beatles and Parks and Recreation is the Rolling Stones.  Make of that what you will.

It took so much Googling before I could figure out what that meant.

As someone glomming onto this without offering any novel point-of-view:  fuck this movie.

Damn, that diss made me snarf, yo!

Most of their screens are shredded as a result of sloppy knife fights.

"…whose fans will just have to console themselves by making the same Cougarton Abbey jokes they make every time anyone brings up Cougar Town."

It just sounds like now he's going to think hard about it when he uses the word bitch.

Sorry, that was just my lisp, I meant Kat Dennings' teats.

We Need To Talk About Kat Dennings' Teeth.

It was a particularly bad case of somebody being cut in half.

I am in constant awe of her ability to act like she has never won an award before.

The talk about how the Bolsheviks would never murder a bunch of young girls was the worst kind of "ha ha we are in the future so we know something they don't."  It was like the skit on last night's SNL where in 2112 they laugh at us for not knowing Mt. Everest is edible or that Taylor Swift would become an assassin.

Yes, it is.  I'd point you to Tracy Morgan's Update commentary about being "the other black guy" on the show as just one example.

"That’d be okay, except…isn’t that sort of a comment on what Jay Pharoah is to this show?"

I sat as stone-faced as the residents of Pawnee in the bleachers.

As though Chris Traeger would drop a g.

What does Parks have to do to get an A around here?  Not very much, apparently.