Prayers for Mojo

Hate to say we told you so.

Corky Romano was the movie this country needed four weeks after 9/11.

Go back and look at other renditions of "I Wish It Was Christmas Today;" Tracy Morgan always looks that way.  Acting! as the Master Thespian would say.

Todd, when you quote someone "more or less," that's called a paraphrase.  You paraphrased Roger Ebert.  Sincerely, your high school English teacher.


I bet he gets the occasional hip bone cut.  Like a paper cut, but from a supermodel's hip bone.

I can imagine how he might interact with the Vice Dean.

That's The Joke.

Good thing I didn't want to read a review of this episode of The Office.  Thanks for your thoughts on criticism?

Yeah, like all those Mike Scugnizzos and Joey Pizzaiolos.

I'm sure he's going to get one hell of a traditional Irish wake.

Billy Preston's spirit is giving a huge, gap-toothed grin because he knows he accomplished more between 1969 and 1974 than you ever have or will or could.

Almost as much as being about the death penalty the subject of this seemed to be how fucked up life in small town America is or can be.  But since it's Herzog it's good enough to avoid the potential pitfalls of being condescending or overly judgmental.

This isn't an obscure, have-you-heard-about-it selection, but Scorsese's Dylan doc No Direction Home is really great.  Things just keeping get bigger and faster and more strung out.  Then the movie ends, he crashes his motorcycle, gets married, tinkers in his wood shed at Woodstock and makes some of my favorite of his

Wow.  I don't have much to add to the discussion, but that was a top-shelf episode, and I think it demonstrates the staying power this show can have.  If it's best stuff was just the gimmick/high concept episodes it might stand to reason that the well would eventually run dry, but they do homages (Goodfellas/Chicken

I am weeping into a lace handkerchief while Handel's Sarabande plays.  Seriously, fuck.

I recognized "A Cause de Garcons" immediately also!  Whatever genre of music it is, I do not listen to that at all, but it's such a great piece of sound, when I heard it once I had to have it and have listened to it many times since.  I am unembarrassed.


If Kornheiser and Wilbon are the Cain and Abel of televised sports commentary, Jim Rome is Zachariah, Skip Bayless is Methuselah, and, of course, Scott Van Pelt is the wise prophet Ezekiel, then what does that make Dewey Cox?

Girl, you ain't Spanish, that's Hawaiian Silky.