Prayers for Mojo

History majors used to be embarrassed by the History Channel because it reduced the entire discipline down to "pretty cool war documentaries," but now since it's gone completely off the reservation they don't have to worry about it because nobody could possibly make the mistake of thinking that the stuff that's on the

More like "hip replacement" factor, am i right hi ooo

Gosh, what's it going to be tomorrow, is he going to get caught at the Ratner Ratnering his Ratner?

I don't understand why people are responding to my comment as though I was responding to Rich Tanguy when it is a response to C.H.O.M.P.S.

No, it's awesome when the audience is confused and alienated and upset by what they're seeing.

I should have demanded more than one name.

Who are these otherwise intelligent people who like Herman Cain?  Name one.

Haha, I know you don't mean to be casually racist, you just are.  It's your true self.  Don't go trying to be that Sensitive To Issues of Race and Culture C.H.O.M.P.S. you're not.

It was dictated and signed with an X because literacy is for fags.

So when is the Superfans movie coming out?

Try looking up the word "backbeat."  It does not mean what you seem to think it does.

What you describe is the opposite of oxymoronic.

This comment was going well until the last sentence.

Why is he not gay?  Can there be no gay bros? Can the subliminal blowjob message not carry over to same-sex significant others?

I had sex with you're wife.

i.e. Remember when the History Channel was about Nazi's?


The Girl From Ipanema.  Calling it.

Never forget.

I believe the term is…pyrrhic victory?