Prayers for Mojo

GUS WEARS CLIP-ON TIES?!  This show is a mind fuck.

Nevar forget

"Stop! Stop! He's already dead!"

I think I understand…you thought your post was humorously noting the resemblance between Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard.  Interesting.

Hey, that tag was all about the impossibility of forming real connections between people.

This episode was cartoonish.  In a bad, precious, joylessly wacky way.  It reminded me of Scrubs, a show which sucked throughout the vast majority of its run.  While I would not call the episode unfunny, the tone was very unappealing.  The directing called attention to itself annoyingly.  And the acting—it's as though

I think this show is a bit overrated around these parts, which is similar kind of to hating it with an unbridled passion?  Or not?  But yeah, I cannot argue with this episode.  Top-tier stuff.

Was that an original joke?  In a sense, yes.  But in another, truer sense, no.

Woah there, that's above my pay grade as an internet jackass.

I guess by "read" what Steven was suggesting was "understand the meaning that is trying to be conveyed by the words."

What an incredibly uncontroversial opinion.

"Ontario-West: just like the corrsponding American state just to the south." Sounds like someone is vastly overestimating people's knowledge of Canadia's geography. I have no idea what that state is.

I've never seen Seth Meyers shine on Update either.

Like Cecil in A Room With a View, Vodka is really and truly offended by ugly things.  And this review is an Ugly Thing.

I don't think Block made a chump of Death by buying some time for the family.  Everybody else snuffed it.

If God meant for poor people to fly, why did He create the tops of freight trains?

Mr. McPickleshitter, you have bought into a false dichotomy.  Community is more stylized, while Park's style is more smooth and unobtrusive. Meanwhile Park's substance is on the face of it less forced, more natural; however Community's substance (melancholy, not wanting to venture out from a tide pool into the wider

Your mother.

This week's Community comments are full of negativity while this week's P&R comments are full of ludicrous overpraise.  Both episodes were okay to pretty good (for the high standards both shows have set for themselves).

Did you just pull a Simpsons Did It?  Like, without it being a joke?  Because the Simpsons have done everything.  There are whole episodes of television devoted to explicating that fact.