
It’s a Ghazikiel Elligate.

Luckily they blurred out the horrid representations of manhood in this episode.

Non-toxic Rick cares about everyone equally. Even the toxic people have rights.

Rick figured out that the machine decided on what to remove based on what each person thought was toxic, so Morty lost his insecurities, while Rick, among other things, lost his unnecessary personal attachments, such as his care for Morty. Rick literally explained this during the scene you’re asking about.

Years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless.

Of course you’ll have a bad impression of New York if you only focus on the pimps and the CHUDs.

I am really disappointed that Humperdoo wasn't Seth Rogan.

The medieval rape fantasy turned out to be a great idea.

It's much easier to project your feelings and bully the media than it is to try to come up with some productive way to help fight terrorism or reduce white supremacist groups to irrelevancy.

His go-to distraction wouldn't have been so surprising in this situation, so I wonder how he would have beat those guys off.

Cassidy's inability to talk to Denis is a nuisance, but I think the bigger danger will be Jesse's inability to use the word on him.

I can think of one series based on rape - Law & Order SVU - but it's not graphic. What are you talking about?

He asked?

I think five people died making Delta Force 2…

How does the existence or non-existence of an award have anything to do with a stunt person's death?

Now it's time for the comedy stylings of Deadpool 2!

The Vindicators couldn't make five three-pointers without killing one of themselves. How did they ever succeed against an actual villain?

These semantic arguments are great! The government took away their monument and tried to cancel their march. It's not a stretch to call that oppression, even though I agree with the government.

I know what incite means: to encourage violence. Do you? If you're going to tell me some legal definition, I don't care. I am not acting as a lawyer. I can use the dictionary definition.

No, but he was right to blame everyone involved. This is also a terrible showing by the police, who let this happen.