
Red tie? It's Trump.

The X-Files shit is the best part of season 2, to me. That's why I give it a pass. The rest of season 2 can kiss my ass.

Yeah, I quit watching the show to manufacture a backlash, not because I think it is bad.

Oh my god. Two Broke Girls was a genius sitcom spoof the entire time.

And more fans telling him how great he is.

Just imagine: this season could have been even worse.

Season 9: Sexy broad and gangster octopus.

A bad episode of television stays bad no matter how the series ends.

The finger thing means the taxes!

He created a brilliant season of television, followed that with a decent season, and has now produced a terrible season that coasts on empty style. Yep, no reason to quit now.

I acknowledge Young Frankenstein is a good movie, but I'll fall asleep if I try to watch it.

Ok, I understand the love for the helmet, but what about the second best part of the costume: the tie? The tie always slays me. That's what I want to buy.

It's gone from suck to blow.

Norm wouldn't do this. It must have been Adam Carolla.

I think it's related to a nevernude.

They'll wish they were living in Captain Planet times after they end up in Toxic Crusader times.

It's more objective to just use bust/waist ratio.

An indoor sukkah isn't kosher.

I'm my own best friend.

Not in here, mister. This is a Mercedes.