
No, but I wouldn't restrict the conversation to people who have read the book.

Terminal velocity is much lower than muzzle velocity for bullets. They can kill people, but they are not going to hit the car like they came straight out of a gun.

You ain't thinking of getting rid of the dank, are you, Harvard?

This is 'Murica, where we shoot Mexicans trying to cross the the border for fun! Trump’s building the wall to protect them!

I looked up the article, and unless I am missing something, I don't like the science behind it.

Wow, that's so original!

Going on Facebook Live and killing yourself or someone else is a sacrifice to Technical Boy.

He is a god. Forging a sword in an evening is still more plausible than walking on water, animating the dead or implanting a magical sapling into somebody.

Mr. Wednesday sure is proactive, huh? We're talking about a totally outrageous paradigm.

Jesus has come back from the dead before. I think he'll be all right.

"Xbox Uno?" Ooh la di da Mr. Frenchman! We call it the Xbone.

The title just goes with the annoying modern tendency of labeling media "essential" instead of just saying that it's good.

I think maybe Misfits replaced everyone before it ended.

What are you wearing?

I rode a tank, held a general's rank, when the Blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank…

You're not forbidden from drawing cartoons of Muhammad, but we hope someone shoots you if you do.

I agree. It's just like, no woman is forbidden from walking through the city alone at night in revealing clothes, but she has to deal with the consequences. It's common sense.

Well, if it isn't the leader of the wiener patrol, boning up on his nerd lessons!

Kevin James's appearance is comical to me.

And then he drove around at 3 A.M. looking for another Scientology meeting. And when he couldn't find one, he went auditing!