
Dude, I think you missed that the article is satire. If they were going for facts, they would probably have stated the industry standard seven years till time-telling capabilities.

So I read through the whole conversation and easily 75% of the people on there are quite clearly joking. And the ones that take it seriously are saying that the 'swag' they get is USB's, notepads, and things of the like. That isn't just standard practice for the auto industry. It's standard practice anywhere.

I've got a mid-2010 MacBook Pro 15'' with 4GB ram and the Yosemite update did it wonders. Went home for the first time since the install this weekend and my brother was amazed at how much faster everything was running. I did do a fresh install rather than just update it though so maybe that's the difference.

You must not have been on the internet for long.

All I wanted from this race was for Keselowski not to advance. I'm not very excited by the outcome...

You know, I would mind but the ALS organization managed to raise $8.6 million in one day. Yes, it's a fad that people are just pouring ice buckets on their heads but if even 1 out of every 100 people goes on to look up what ALS actually is, that's worth it. It's fun and it's spreading both awareness and money for ALS

There is really just one feature I can think of that I really want SnapChat to have and it seems that no one is doing it. Why not have a group send feature? For example, if I'm taking a snapping a picture of me doing college stuff, I wish I could have a list of "College Friends" that I could just click and it would

I too have met many smart assholes. I didn't like them.

He doesn't really have any sort of eclectic taste in cinema. He just enjoys being a contrarian. I won't trust the man who gave unfavorable reviews to Toy Story 3, Up, Dark Knight, and the Wrestler but decided that Jonah Hex was "brilliant and beautiful".

And between 0:14 and 0:18, this guy moved ahead four places!

Yep. You won't be able to witness him double clutching (instead of granny shifting like an idiot).

I love Gran Turismo but the sounds in the game are just not up to par. I think it beats it in the simulation department but if they could hire some of the people who worked on the last few Need for Speed games (yeah, yeah, NFS) for sound, that would be great.

I can imagine it now:

You can buy anything from Amazon.

I'm so split by this design. On one hand, it look super aggressive and mean, but I can't bring myself to like it. There is just too much going on.

"The more open Apple gets, the harder it'll be to leave. Apple's opening up to more hardware partners, but also making your exit strategy way, way more expensive."

Now playing

This video has almost nothing to do with this news.

I actually like how the back looks. The front on the other hand...

I'd say that by the end of season 2 you should have an idea of if this show is for you or not. That being said, I think that the first 2 and a half seasons aren't as good as the series gets.