
This Olympics feels oddly like the beginning of World War Z. I read the book and don’t even remember how it starts, nor do I remember how the loosely-based movie begins. But for some reason I can’t helping associating the title with the upcoming Olympics.

Also Ferguson shoving Krakowski/Eponine away. I was a goner (gone-er?)

this was delightful and anyone that disagrees is grossly wrong and should never speak to me again

Let’s go with your story.

You mean Jamie Dornan, who was amazing in The Fall and has yet to have his Hollywood debut?

Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.

It’s also desensitizing to see it at point-of-sale registers from the time you can pick out your own candy bar. Turn ‘em around, I say.

Right, just put them in the briefs and let them go shirtless.

she just said he’s the best husband because he picks up everything she drops. like literally just listed things she drops and he picks up.

OK, it took me a long time to get it, but I see it now that they really are cute together. I’m happy for her, she got away from that creep Tom Cruise and found happiness. You just never know who will end up being your lobster. You go, crazy kids.

Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!

Mail order sperm exists?

You ever notice that “unpopular” opinions are almost always middle-of-the-road?

Fuck this, having kids is a perfect excuse. Exhaustion is a perfect excuse. Post partum depression or overall coming to terms with motherhood is a perfect excuse. Becoming a mom is hard, we don't need to add this body shit to it.

Yes, Yoko. We all pee.

GOD I’m going to miss this family and I’m not even American.

we just call her “the spouse of the prime minister of canada”.

it’s super catchy, eh?


Just to be clear though, home birth doesn't necessarily mean unassisted. There are lots of countries (not the US), where midwives are more common, and they take on home births. Midwives are usually super vigilant about only taking home births when risk factors are relatively low, so let's not shit on all home births.

I definitely get to have an opinion about a friend who would post pics on Facebook of her baby crowning in her vagina. But of course, my opinion centers around her poor social media skills, not her birth.