I'm the same. Both the pill and Nuvaring killed any sexual feelings I had. I switched to a non-hormonal IUD, and while first couple of months made me wonder if I'd made the right decision it's been smooth, horny sailing every since.
I'm the same. Both the pill and Nuvaring killed any sexual feelings I had. I switched to a non-hormonal IUD, and while first couple of months made me wonder if I'd made the right decision it's been smooth, horny sailing every since.
Wait, not only are we lengthening and thickening our eyelashes, we're growing and plumping them too? My lashes are going to have their own tiny, individual 'roid rages soon.
I commented earlier but just remembered who Rachel McAdams is dating. She's seeing MY make believe boyfriend, Michael Sheen. So, she's definitely not my role model. Or maybe she is...wait...what am I trying to say? Gah.
Years ago I read that Margaret Drabble and Michael Holroyd did not live in the same house, even though they were (and still are, I believe) married. I think it was something like 15 years before they actually moved in together. I'd have to say they are my relationship role model because I learned from them that you…
I don't know that I would have thought that if it hadn't been pointed out to me, especially given the placement nearer the knees than an actual, anatomical lady-flower. Now, though, it's all I can see.
Her parents must be so proud.
Jesus. I have bronchitis right now and that made me laugh so much I had a 10 minute coughing fit. I'm going to bed now.
I think I understand Stella McCartney's dress in theory. In execution it's just peculiar, and not particularly interesting or beautiful.
If you're a member of a professional organization look for the local chapter and get on the board or volunteer for their local events or conferences. Those groups are always looking for new blood and they're a great way to meet people, both on an informal level and to do some networking. You can also contact them…
I'm considering a trip to NYC just to see the McQueen show. That's an expensive proposition to just go see some dresses, but man-oh-man, I want to see them. I'm sure I could find something else to do in New York while I'm there, I suppose.
Had that been me, you would not have lip-read me saying "wow", but rather "holy fucking shitsauce, that's a fucking lot of people!"
I agree. And I'm so glad she went with McQueen. I like to think there's a little skull hiding in the lace somewhere though.
OK. I've got the hair. I've been doing the super straight, super shiny black bob for a while now. I could probably pull off the make-up. What I don't have though are the legs. I'm pretty sure her legs alone are as long as I am tall.
Hey, NuBra lady: That's not washing, that's pleasuring yourself. Dirty girl!
In the event of loss of cabin pressure please place your NuBra over your mouth and nose and attempt to breath normally. You will pass out from lack of oxygen and your seat mates will be so distracted by your breasts they will not notice their imminent and awful demise.
Ha ha ha! Librarians shelving books? Never! We get lowly shelving minions to do that dirty job and the even dirtier (by which I mean mind numbingly boring) job of shelf reading.
Yeah, I agree. I don't have children by choice and I enjoy my childless lifestyle a great deal, but I try not to be too self-congratulatory about it. I made a choice for myself, I didn't single handedly reverse global warming, or cure cancer, or necessarily make the world a better place.
I used to have tits like that. God, I miss them. Young ladies: enjoy them while they're firm!
I have no dog in this fight, being a Canadian so I tend not to comment on US politicians, but man, this one... "The main issue facing the United States is dealing with our debt and deficit" Disingenuous much?
And "acted" in a movie, co-staring the inestimable Billy Baldwin. [www.imdb.com]