A few days ago I finished reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver and since then Kahlo and Rivera have been popping up in my life all week.
A few days ago I finished reading The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver and since then Kahlo and Rivera have been popping up in my life all week.
I'm thinking that if Kelly Lynch (Kelly Lynch!?) can get invited to one of these things, there's no reason I couldn't be. I'm going out to buy a pair of hideous booties right now, just in case.
Hey, Eight is Enough kid, what does "I *grenade* BG mean?"
I like to look at the projects on Bakerella because they're so impossibly perfect and cute. The antidote to that though is a quick trip to Cake Wrecks. You gotta take a little dark with the light, right?
That was awesome. Possibly made more so because I don't recognize them all and I'm now wondering what the hell the woman flopping about on the floor with her arm under the bed might be doing. I especially wonder at the guy sniffing the pillow.
@Blueberry26: The day that Renee Baio claims that posts were censored was the day the whole commenting system was down, wasn't it?
@the glamwich: I hope that too, but I don't think this ad is any different than any other lingerie ad. It uses all the same images; the cleavage, the lip bite, the big hair, the promise of a quickie, etc. I think the ad's makers had men very much in mind here. It's just nice to see a bigger girl in a fabulous bra,…
Who would have thought that Jessica Simpson made up as a geisha would look just like Jennifer Jason Leigh? Huh.
@HannahBethD: I'm not sure what links you're referring to so if this website was in there, forgive me...
@Tippi Hedren: Well, I'm with you on the porta-potty situation. However, being old enough to afford it and young enough to know and enjoy all the bands is THE OPTIMAL POSITION to be in. I'm planning on going next year and I'll be 41 by then.
@RobespierreHasComeUndone: Have you seen some of those tea-bagger signs? My money's on the 7 year old's grammar and spelling.
@magnets: Marry me.
@dizzy.mslizzy: I think the problem was mainly lack of support for her boobage.
Perhaps the cyclists need someone to ride ahead with a trigger warning. "Naked legs imminent! Look away now, lest you be tempted to question all you believe in."
@jill.slaight: Heh. Things did escalate suspiciously quickly.
@mordicai: Well said!
@girl_talk: Yeah, we're totally on the same page.
@girl_talk: At least the question here is "So is it better to have a flawed Tina Fey than none at all?" rather than a "Here's Why We're Over Tina Fey" type of thing like the Amanda Palmer post a couple of weeks ago. [jezebel.com]
The one and only romper I've ever worn was pink terry cloth and STRAPLESS. I was about 13 or 14 and a very unfortunate picture of me was taken the one and only day I put the thing on. This was in the days before thin maxi pads and you can clearly tell that I'm wearing either an ENORMOUS pad, or I've got some kind of…
@sybann: Oh man, when ever I visit the States I always want to go to Fleet Farm, but my husband says he can't trust me not to buy bailers and electric fences. I always want to go to We Do Cows too.