Schrödinger's Pragmator

Since fielders can handle a ball infinite times in a play, there’s really no answer to this. A double play involving a rundown could look like 6-3-4-1-6-3-4-1-repeating.

I avoid this scenario by not drinking at all, and by obeying the speed limit and generally driving like an asshole. You guys should try it!

Today I learned there’s an Alaska Baseball League. #TheMoreJuneau

As I was reading, I kept thinking “When do we get to badass Sho Kosugi?” and you did not disappoint. This was a favorite of mine in the 80s, along with American Ninja ... 1 AND 2!!!

who remembers this? (enter the ninja is an amazingly terrible movie)

Ex Machina should’ve been a great movie, but was made merely decent by its execrable final 30 minutes, which just take everything interesting the movie was doing, and throw it away in favor of a bland, generic, and utterly expected ending.

If you leave the brim sticker on your hat, you're a douchebag. Thanks for making it easier for us to spot you.

Just like every other moba. Make new character, make it more powerful than the rest, then after a period of time when sales have slowed, nerf it.

The clearly-nauseated phantom-Kobe looming in the background perfectly illustrates your argument

Boogie. Karl. Rondo.

Rondo couldn’t get along with his teammates in Dallas, and the Mavs are the friendliest team in the NBA. Him and Cousins will be at each others throats almost immediately.

There is a zero percent chance this ends up without at least one homicide.

It’s official - by far the most exciting part of the NBA year is the off-season.

I was at a party once where everyone brought fireworks. The crowd was arraigned in a three quarters circle at the end of a cul de sac. Someone,, had gone to the reservation for his.

Age 10-12, lighting jumping jacks, they kinda stay on the ground, spin, spew sparks, but jump up a few feet, hence the name. Best friend is wearing a light jacket, with pockets. Jumping jack takes a fucking leap right into the kids pocket, what are the odds?? Jacket starts burning, the kid does the opposite of

She’s just trying to kick it basically anywhere, clearing it away from the Japanese attacker the pass is intended for.

This is not a good day for England.

They’re the first ones that actually started industrially producing sadness back in the late 1800’s.

This is the most English way possible to lose.