Schrödinger's Pragmator

Right now it is (seen from our perspective) typical American viewpoints that are being enforced in each country, where ‘cutesy’ games about killing and bombing Palestinians is accepted, while being able to address sex is a no-go.”

“Bitch-ass bitch!” is still one of my favorite insults I’ve ever actually used in an argument.

This has to be one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen regarding pet care.

Jesus. I should be thanking Shannon. Sorry.

This is the best article I’ve read to help me make sense of all the political maneuvering going on in Brazil. Until now, there always seemed to be something missing in the traditional, superficial coverage from regular outlets.

Great write-up! I pretty much concur with everything in this review. I love it. I reeeeeealy enjoy owning people with Mei and then kicking off the vocal phrase, “Sorry! Sorry! I’m sorry! Sorry ...”

This thing looks like Godzilla out there. Nice!

One year I spent and entire summer trying to learn how to throw a knuckleball. All the reading and practice in the world could not help me. I think I probably threw 2 or 3 verifiable knucklers out of 1000 attempts.

No, you got everything right. Westbrook is a furious ball of basketball energy ... but sometimes (like last night) he makes some head scratching decisions. Durant made a couple of odd shot selections down the stretch as well.

Great write up! Mei is by far my favorite—she can defend, provide cover on offense and troll like nobody’s business. And since people have a built-in impatience, whenever they see an ice wall blocking their path what do they do? They all crowd in front of it as they wait for it to collapse. If you time it right (or

Reaper needs his ultimate tuned very, very slightly. How so? With every other ult in the game you get a fair warning or a delay or an opportunity to get out of the way. Reaper’s ult activates immediately with his war cry of “DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!”. You can’t avoid it. If you’re nearby when the player presses Q there’s

Yeah, they will have to expand the criteria for what constitutes play of the game. If they can post suggestions for commendations then they can certainly recognize some other forms of game play snippets. But right now, X number of kills within Y number of seconds is the easy formula they’re using.

I’m really enjoying Overwatch. I don’t know how long it’s legs will be, but right now it’s a blast. And yes, I’m sure everyone has been on the receiving end of a well placed Bastion in turret mode and getting ripped to shreds in 2 seconds. But as Blizzard points out—if your character is at a disadvantage to Bastion

I know, right?

I really enjoy the B-level spy movie plot device where the samples are taken and then left in an unsecured cooler overnight before any testing begins. Because, you know—you don’t want to eliminate the opportunity for shenanigans. So, let’s not put them in a auditable, secured cooler. And then let’s sit on the samples

Man, they let these cats travel through out the game. We’re going to make a big deal about this instance? GTFO!

I can’t say that the possibility of Secret Agent Kim ever crossed my mind, but the world is wide and full of wonders.

Of Hilary Clinton he writes, “You would honest to God have the public believe that one of the most evil, despicable corrupt lying phonies ever to walk this earth, should be the democratic nominee for the highest position in this land.”

Got Widowmaker troubles? Bring Mei.

After thoroughly enjoying the open beta the first thing that came to mind was, “Okay, I need to know if Blizzard is going to take cheating seriously before it gets out of control or after.”