
Someone please explain this legalese to me: why were eight of his years suspended? What does this mean? That he’ll never have to serve that time?

Who are these people who are so fucking blatant about the fact that they’re racist, sexist pieces of shit?

...a photo of a woman with a black eye, and the tagline, “Domestic violence. Because sometimes, you have to tell her more than once.”

Christ on a bike, Lohan, just do the community service. I’ve never heard of someone working so hard to avoid doing work. She worked harder to get around it than if she’d just actually done the damn hours.


Yeah I agree that she was annoying. Frankly though, I don’t trust a cop that can’t control their impulses over a little annoying to be good cops. If you assault people and destroy their property when you’re annoyed, what if you’re dealing with a mentally ill person or any situation that requires you to not punch

My actual reaction to this information:

“Filmed by another woman across the street.”

I love that someone else was recording this event. It sucks that he will most likely be unpunished and unscathed and the U.S. Marshals will consider this either a lesson/warning to pedestrians or an “isolated incident.”

Good thing there was someone filming this woman filming.

The ACLU makes an app called mobile justice so you can record police encounters and immediately send to the ACLU if they come at you all crazy. It also has info on your rights and how to deal with police. Download it! Police the police!

Pretty much yeah.

They should really use Kansas as a case study on how GOP policies are a complete failure. Brownback has basically run that entire state into the fucking ground.

“ That Sam Brownback is one hell of a guy”

“...just noticing anything he says feels like dead-horse beating.”

I still haven't heard back from him.

First off, brilliant article.

It’s sad because Steven A is clearly ignorant of what happens in abusive relationships. He’s falling for the idea that rich people are always unfairly targeted by people looking for a payday.