This doesn’t say Ecuador refused - that’s disingenuous. It says there are negotiations. And this article is from yesterday.
This doesn’t say Ecuador refused - that’s disingenuous. It says there are negotiations. And this article is from yesterday.
Is anyone on any Gawker property going to mention the shady clusterfuck that is the Swedish prosecutorial process? 44 other interviews in the UK by Swedish prosecutors, but they decided only Assange wouldn’t make sense to interview him there, and they REally needed him to be interviewed back in Sweden, because it…
The UK didn’t want to be on the hook for it. Their politicians have faced backlash for giving in to our “war on terror” far too much already.
Maybe because Sweden has ignored the very simple path of interviewing Assange where he is (the warrant is only for an interview), while they have happily interviewed 44 other people in the UK over the same period?
Legs of different length.
Ahhh, this is the best comment I’ve seen all day. Thank you, large killer mammal.
Yes and yes.
And can I get a follow to get out of the treys?
When the fuck will some other state move up their primary so that Iowa stops being the center of the political tornado?
Sounds like she has an explosive temper.
AHHHH! It’s as the Christians predicted - gay marriage is turning our eligible hetero bachelors gay! Repeal, Repeal! Repent, Repent! Repress, Repress! Rewind? (I ran out of re-words)
What if she claimed his voice sounded “black”? Wouldn’t that get the cops/ DA’s off their butts?
Anyone else see the latest episode of Bachelorette? When he called Kaitlin “Sweet Girl” I swear to fucking god it sounded like a predator talking to the body of the victim he had just throttling. Dude has zero empathy or emotions- he creeps me right the fuck out.
Couldn’t she file charges against “John Doe”? I thought I rembered NYC doing this with a ton of sexual assault cold cases with unmatched (or unprocessed) rape kits- to basically prolong the statutes of limitations.
Should include John Crawford - this is just about the worst one I've seen, and yet it's gotten almost no press, I guess because rural Ohio?
Sadly no :-( they rejected me. Before I even applied!
Also: picture of Patrick Taylor: