Prada Lovelace

The font size is computed to 16px, just like the font size on the regular Jezebel pages. There is literally no difference between the font sizes.

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

That’s what you got from this? Really?

Thank you for writing this. A friend of mine went through this procedure about a year ago, and it was heart-breaking. This is why late term abortion bans (which even Hillary Clinton is “open to”- fuck her) are so enraging to me. It’s not like women get 35 weeks in and are like “ nah”. It’s always tragic when this

I’m still pissed and heartbroken about losing Dr. Tiller. Making a donation today, thanks.

He doesn’t want to win. He just doesn’t. He never thought he’d get the nomination, nobody did, it was just a ploy to get some free publicity, which is what he really lives for. But now that there is a chance he could win, he’s panicking because he knows he can’t govern. He doesn’t want to actually sit down and set

“fuck off”

fuck off

Sorry, this is not directly relevant, but : Ooooh, pretty new layout! Such responsive! Very internet 2016.

Wait - WHAT????? They LIVED TOGETHER and Amy was referring to her as best bud - no really, the first season of writing for the show, a few of the writers lived together in an apartment. I feel like we could all google this. Sooo WTF - aslo, Tig in her comedy act has done a bit on people calling her “SIR” so yeah, I

I cried tears of joy when I saw “Day of 500: of 500 days of Kristin.” Like, I know you started this thing and had to follow it through, but it’s done. Let it die, for the love of god.

People who use sjw as an insult are almost certainly bigots and definitely have the mental faculties of a concussed goldfish

The anger is because “He’s not the annointed one, Her Holiness Hillary Clinton”. This is just the latest thing.

What? Why would anyone be interested in that

Bae: Hey want to come over for Netflix and campaign?

Agreed. Geographical marginalization is real. I remember finding out in high school that my upper middle class suburban area had laws on the books against selling a home to people of color until the Fair Housing Act of 63. Fucking appalling. Combine that with white flight and the economic starvation of urban

I think it’s pathetic that youtube has more reasonable coverage of Sanders than MSNBC. I’ve been getting a lot of my news about the election from The Guardian because they seem to have actual journalists reporting on actual substance rather than simply selling their patrons’ candidates of choice like any other

I’m saying that when you’re a 74 year old Jew, ghetto is the word that springs to mind when you think of segregated, impoverished neighborhoods.

Now playing

Here’s a longer, more subtle conversation between Sanders and Cornell West, Nina Turner and Killer Mike about systemic racism in the black community, for anyone interested in Sanders’ thoughts on the issue;