Prada Lovelace

“I’ve just relegated to not hitting on women. If they want to approach me, cool, but I’m not going to ruin someone’s night because of an unfortunately legitimate fear.”

That’s okay. We women don’t know what it’s like to automatically be taken seriously, either.

So, the man who has undeniabely had ties to the civil rights movement gets ridiculed and second guessed, but the woman who took her sweet time (almost three weeks), before she came up with the most milquetoast statement about Ferguson, gets a pass (as usual). Hillary Clinton started to look at minorities as being more

Right? That’s when you know you’re depressed. When you can’t see how your actions affect other people. You’re legitimately deaf and blind to how your behavior affects your friends and family. So, it’s easy to think that you’re actually doing everyone a favor.

Reporting the incident to the company doesn’t prove they didn’t report it to the police. But it’s cute that you seem to think the police act much differently than the company did here. At least Uber didn’t invalidate the claim based on what the person was wearing.

The last time I asked about this (just for information, not because I was definitely ready to do it), the doctor told me I was “way too young to make such an important and irreversible decision” and that he doubted any doctor would consent to perform the procedure. I was age that many people have kid(s). Yet

Kinda like an older white man referring to a younger African American male as “boy”

Can “Send Anna on a Thing” be a regular feature pls


Of course this took place at a Florida Denny’s. Of course.

Don't ask me why I know this, but.... There's a great Creed story from Behind the Music or whatever, where their drummer tells a story about how they all did a shot of Jaeger before a show. After, they listened to the tape of their performance and decided that they all sounded like shit because they were all fucked up

There is no number of dead children that will change anything. Sandy Hook proved that.

Like the default being crying “sexist!” and doing every possible to avoid having to address actual issues instead of perceived attacks on one of the most privileged women in the world?

I remember the part with the dolls and the one part with a woman pushing a doll in a pram, and then another woman asked to see the “baby” and ended up smashing it to pieces. So creepy and disturbing.

The only time this happened to me I was on a flight to Korea and had the window, while a kindly old Korean woman had the isle. We exchanged pleasantries (nods, es she didn’t speak much english) and I silently helped her untangle her earphones. After the plane took off and we both realized there was no one to sit

You are one of my favorites. There’s a lot of this type of information I am unaware of as well and you are always succinct and polite in your responses. (Also you are a wizard hat and I have mad respect for that. I imagine you as a Carmen SanDiego/Merlin mix.)

Michigan apparently has a form of indeterminate sentencing where the legislature sets a maximum sentence and a judge sets a minimum sentence. When the convicted person reaches the minimum sentence he’s allowed to go in front of a parole board to ask for release on parole, but must serve at least the minimum.

He’s got that Jim Bob Duggar “sometimes I take a poop in my hand and eat it” face

Yeah, men are keen on telling women how to handle their reproductive health and since they don't actually know how our cycles work they're usually completely ridiculous about it.