While some of that may be due to the trash fire division they play in being worth at least 5 wins a year
This is why we’d have been much better off with the Saints in this game. Tom Benson was an asshole, but at least he has the courtesy to be dead.
This is a moot point. Kyrie is covered by the Rose Rule, which means he has to wait until July 1st to have both knees removed and face credible rape allegations.
In hell, you can only watch Pistons games.
I hope AEW works out and years from now I can watch the WWE archive on AEW Network.
Who is arguing this as a scientific issue? This is a human rights issue you dumbass.
“A man was involed” Yeah...in the fun part of repruduction. Tell you what, dude, the day that men are able to carry a fetus for nine months and push it out at a hospital is the day that abortions are available at the local Home Depot.
I will just move to France to avoid uncomfortable street demonstrations.
You’re right, I’m not. But you’re not black. And most black people have seen that confident look from a white guy at some point in their lives during a confrontation, the look that says “I’m white and the whole school/country has my back.” As someone who has often been one of the few black guys at a school, dorm,…
Sigh...there’s a world of difference between the real situation of this white boy and your strawman argument. It’s a matter of how a society treats a person regarding their behavior versus how the legal world treats them. For this smirking shit, he will face no legal repercussions for his actions. Tomorrow, he will…
I’ve lived in NYC for 21 years, and been harassed on the street by the Black Israelites literally hundreds of times in that period. Weirdly, I never felt the urge to do anything other than walk away. Strange how easy that is.
We would have gotten details of the weed they snuck with them on the trip.
The teens’ version of the story leans so heavily on believing what was in their heads or relying on their limited perspective of a large mob...
The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo.
White privilege is the media falling over itself to apologize when it thinks it misread a situation. If these were African-American kids, we never would’ve seen alternate video or explanations.
None of that deters Gannon. He has mortgaged his home and maxed out his credit cards trying to solve these cases. The only thing that stopped him, and it was only for 18 months, was a bout with cancer in 2004.
He has mortgaged his home and maxed out his credit cards trying to solve these cases.
Trump loves America so much he stayed here through the entire Vietnam War.
He did win Overly Defensive Player of the Year, though.