
Tebow peeled off the gloves. Blood was gushing from his palms.

Superstar Billy 3.5 Grams

Is that Jerry Lawler working the gate?

“Watch this right here! Talk about sticking a pink slip through a tight window? I call this one THE UNEMPLOYMENT DIME!!”

...who is also married to his thirteen-year-old cousin.

If SAS thinks this is bad, wait until Phil finally leaves and Dolan appoints Jared Kushner to run the Knicks.

Probably why you didn’t see too many top rope moonsaults back then.

I loved it!

Ohio?? Surely, you jest!

Watch for the upcoming lawsuit on behalf of the forgotten sibling, Jar-Jar Buss.

Yeah, people who make that argument obviously never heard of Bill Russell.

How many rings does he have tho?

Jeez. Either I missed that news when it came out, or I purposely excised it from my memory out of disappointment that the film did not get made. I feel so —- cheated. Damn you, Estzerhas, you lazy chump!

Hold on, now! Devil In A Blue Dress was prime Denzell, in my opinion —- even though Don Cheadle as Mouse completely stole the whole film.

What???  A potential Mel Gibson/Joe Estzerhas collabo?? When was this supposed to happen?   You’re talking about what might have turned out to be the Most Magnificently Ridiculous Film Ever Made, and I never heard about it? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED??!?

In vino veritas, and shit.

“Reaaaallly looking forward to Jimmy Kimmel pulling a Ricky Gervais”

I’d be lost without you!