Lucretia Mott's Heresy

Yes, and the upholstery on Holiday Inn lounge booths taken to a landfill in, say, 1987, after they decided to redo everything in hunter green, dark red, and cream. 

I know exactly what you mean in this comment, and I loved Pat, too, because one of my best friends (in a tiiiny, viciously conservative farm town) had the same effect on people, and with the same nonchalant-just-going-about-their-business way. I was amazed such a character existed at all.

We would like enjoy being called X, being that’s what we are: just a couple lines crossing out crass ENTHUSIASM.

My saucy 13-year-old has started saying, “Ok, Boomer,” every time I ask him to do something. Joke’s on him, though; I’m firmly Gen X, and we care about nothing. We’re dead inside. 

Yes, that REALLY shocked me, and I’m going to chase that feeling, as Toby said in The Office. Because it’s not so much about finding someone like him; it’s about being like him. I have wronged people in my past, and I should understand why even more than I already know. What a gift!

My late mother-in-law, the most hardcover, unsentimental, raised-by-doctors-was-a-scientist-herself woman, once used the phrase — in regard to her deceased first born, as well as two children in the news killed by their mother — “they were just little lives.” I was horrified at the time, but as I’ve aged, I’ve

As horrifying as it sounds as a description of the show, in context it’s far, far worse. It’s unfathomable.

I’m breaking my own NDA by REPLYING TO YOU.

This sounds marvelous.

What the hell is WRONG with people?

I have eight books in print, and friends and colleagues often come to me for advice -- or send friends of their own -- before publishing a book. The first thing I *always* say is, “If you are eg0-attached to this process, you will suffer. If you don’t let the book go, let the opinions of others go, never ever ever

There it is.

So nice of you to do this, and man, did I love My Favorite Thing Is Monsters. It’s a brand new thing, isn’t it?

This made me lightly guffaw.

What if Narwhal also had a partially absorbed fetal twin on his face, and the twin had a tail? That would be something.

What is this planet we’re on, good lord.

I said exactly the same thing about it being none of my business in a comment above; sorry I didn’t read through the comments first. I cringed so hard reading this article I hurt my neck.

Aaaaah, I loved that site!

Somewhat famous author here, and I’ve never read a single Amazon review of my books, or any review, for that matter, unless my agent or editor passed it along. What other people think of me is none of my business, for starters.

I worked in a bookstore during one of Sparks’s book tours, and it was truly a singular experience. When I got home that night and told my husband the things Sparks said, he blinked, blinked again, said, “Are you describing a real person, a human?” But now the WORLD knows who Sparks really is, and that gives me such