Peppermint Patty

I recently listened to a Terry Gross interview on NPR with Fisher and fell in love with her all over again. (Admittedly, most of Gross’ interviews do this to me.)

In 2011, a coworker had to perform the maneuver on me, because I was choking on my lunch. I was eating artichokes. Probably the scariest and most ironically funny moment of my life to date.

Or a job. Or a cabinet position. Or at the very least, an office in the White House.

I just keep reading these articles, and each one leaves me more speechless than the last. I can’t even. He is like the drunk person at the holiday party who will just not shut up. I cannot believe this is the fate of our country.

I think they re cute for little people, but for anyone over junior high age a little troubling.

Applause. Ongoing standing ovation applause for Professor Clark. This is a national hero.

I agree with you. I watch the show, and even though some (a lot) of it is staged, I still get the impression that she is a good kind person despite the fame.

I wish the kids who wrote the letters and drew the pictures could vote. Children just really have the ability to see through bullshit and not be afraid to speak what’s on their mind. It is sad that we lose this somewhere along the path to adulthood. I think the upside is you get some of it back when you get old. I am

Thanks. I did try the donut pillow, but it didn’t help. So far, the best thing seems to be putting no direct pressure on it. As long as I lay back, lean forward, or sit sort of on one cheek, it is okay.

I somehow managed to injure my tailbone yesterday. I don’t know how, but at some point, I started to sit down, and felt a sharp pain. The bad part was that I was about to board an airplane for a two hour flight home, and then drive two more hours from the airport. I made it home, and fortunately I have medicine left

A little more modern, but Burlesque is quite good. But I am old school too. Meet Me In St. Louis and Rhapsody In Blue were my first thoughts.

My bathroom in my home is private by design. Personally, I would prefer that everywhere. Only because I am uncomfortable doing what comes naturally “in public”. I understand it would create a burden on establishments to retro fit for privacy, but geez. This is really not that complicated.

Laughed until I snorted. Two different times. My husband now thinks I am a little crazy. But, thank you! Made my day.

I was thinking same. I’ve never watched (or even heard of) this show until I read this post.

I had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago and the hospital I was in used this technology. Minimally invasive for me meant vaginally. I had no incision so I have no scar. It was out-patient, and I was pretty much over the whole thing in less than a week. So, yes. Yes I would let this robot perform surgery on me.

Yeah. My elderly parents still inhabit the “decades ago” mentality. And an unmarried woman who has a child? Slap that giant red A on her, please. Yes, we get past it, with each passing generation, sort of. My grown children’s generation doesn’t really seem to care about any of it. Or maybe it is just my children,

I get where you are coming from. I felt the same way when I was pregnant each time. (Everyone knows what i’ve been up to.). My point is that I am a straight female, but I have never had to “disclose” that information. There is no situation or legal form that has ever required it. Nobody quizzes me on it. So why do we

Came here to say the same. Pet peeve of mine. Thank you!

Agreed. I have problems understanding why anybody really cares about this. And by that, I mean that I don’t care. I know that will come across as all kinds of wrong in a comments section, but I truly never changed my thinking about anyone based on their sexual preferences. In the end, it has no affect on me. You are

For the record, I am from Mississippi, born and raised. Live there still. There are some of us (I am one) who are just as heart sick over this as the rest of you. It sickens me. And, I know. I should just move, but someone has to stay and help fight the ignorance. You don’t really know it is still there, until