Peppermint Patty

Stepmom and Steel Magnolias. But, I cry over a lot of movies, TV shows, and even some commercials. I don’t cry a lot in “real life” situations. What does this say about me? Ok, now I have some research to do....

Caring what other people think of me.

I remember wearing two different pair at a time (with one “good leg” each), because, well mainly because my mother felt like you shouldn't throw away things that were still useable.

I had one of those “bad periods”. Took me a long time to recognize it for what it was. It was actually my first pregnancy 30 years ago. What was weird was that even not knowing, I went through the grief and depression. My body knew, and somewhere deep inside, my mind knew.

If I look at pictures of all the Kardashian/Jenner girls, Kendall strikes me as the most remarkable. I think this is because she is the most natural looking one of the bunch. I know everyone talks about her lack of facial expressions with her modeling, but she is gorgeous. They were all beautiful at one time, before

You don’t even qualify for that fabulous unpaid FMLA leave until you have worked for a company 1250 hours (roughly 6 months at 40 hours per week). If I take a new job and 3 months in I have a stroke or some other serious medical condition, they don’t have to hold my job. As far as your idea, I don’t think it is a bad

Honestly, I thought it was ass. Oh, wait. It’s “blowing smoke up my ass”. Guess that’s where my confusion came in. That’s what she was doing....

I do this because I’ve got fat fingers, and I am typing on an iPad. But, I try to proofread. I still do it though.

27 Dresses, Steel Magnolias, Thr Devil Wears Prada. There are others, but I started thinking about these, and lost my train of thought.


So, I am reading all of these stories, and I am remembering all the camps over all the summers of my youth: church camps, Girl Scout camps, band camps, even horse camp one summer, and I have realized that either a) I had amazing parents who made some sacrifices to pay for all that for my sake, or b) I might have been

Not a “worst story” but one of the sweetest. Sitting behind me once was a mom and her son. He was maybe six. She had woken him up that morning and told him they were going to visit grandma. About halfway into the flight, she broke it to him that they were really going to Disney World. Kid was beyond excited. It was

Tears rolling down my face laughing. That’s horrible, but hilarious!

Somehow, I always get to sit next to close talker who just ate garlic or body oder Bob. I can be sitting at the gate, waiting to board, and take a look around to find the lesast desirable there, and bam! Guess who is in the seat next to me? This is why I take a book, some item with earbuds, and gum/mints, which sort

My grandparents had grapefruit spoons. Are you talking about the ones with the serrated edges? I hate grapefruit, but I would eat it at their house so I could use the spoons.

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Lowen and The People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn are two very good books. Both taught me a lot of history that was very different from what I learned in school.

I binge watched season 1 this past weekend. All 12 episodes. In a day and a half. I am not ashamed. It was fabulous. I could not stop. Like a drug....

I read the book. Very meh. However, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was pretty funny. I hear it is now a movie too.

I always thought that Atticus was a lawyer who was assigned a client that he couldn’t defend, but he did his job to the best of his ability. Morale of the story: sometimes there are things in life that you may not agree with, but when you are given a job to do, you give it your all.

My female point of view on the bath thing: First of all, there are parts of me that I just don’t feel get that clean in a shower. Some things just need soaking. Second, I don’t perform hard physical labor for a living. I don’t feel like I am extraordinarily nasty on a daily basis. I do take a shower after a workout,