Peppermint Patty

I would pay money to watch them play Scrabble.

I read something the other day that makes perfect sense (to me, anyway). If you are the one who does the asking, then you should pay. No matter what. If I invite someone to dinner, a movie, whatever, then I should be prepared and willing to pay the bill.

Well, technically, it’s glucose that your brain can’t function without. Your liver produces glucose not only from carbs, but from proteins and fats. It’s a common misconception.

I’m not going to get into a big argument over it, but a healthy functioning liver will produce all the blood glucose required if you are getting proteins and fats. I guess I should have been clear that I meant ingesting carbs is not necessary. Where most people generally misunderstand is they also cut fats out of

Not really. Diabetes is killing many. Carbs are evil and unnecessary.

So, what kind of cheese? My husband was always a strict Kraft singles kind of guy. Used one and a half slices on the sandwich, ate the extra half while making the sandwich. (And there was this kind of weird way he broke the half in two and laid it diagonally across the bread.). Then, I was able to convince him to give

Your comment just made me realize something. She (Kim) probably isn’t more narcissistic than a lot of people in today’s world. I know all kinds of people posting selfies all over social media, they just (apparently) aren’t as accomplished at getting the attention they want for it. I guess everybody is good at

I’m not saying this is the only brand that does this well. But, in my experience, it is one of the few. I’m sure there are some fabulous ones that I probably can’t afford. But for mainstream, off-the-rack people like me, I can count on this brand every time.

Don’t know how hands on she is with design, but whoever does it knows real women’s bodies. I love the way this brand fits. I’m probably a little old for it, but I wear it anyway.

Here’s some of the crap that goes on in my office.

Yeah. It's kind of like having "resting bitch face". Which I do. So glad someone finally gave that one a name.

At least now I know it's not just me. Apparently it is my gender. I remember what I was doing, and sometimes even what I was wearing months after I had a conversation. (Or maybe I just think I do?) My husband, on the other hand, is sort of half listening, and he can't repeat what I said two sentences ago. I know

Here's what grinds my gears about this: the claim is that it is all about diabetes, and trust me, I know about diabetes, because I have faced it myself. Now, what are they going to do about this, because there is a problem in America. Lots of people want to believe that if you follow what is known as a "healthy"

People I work with always feel compelled to tell me I should quit smoking. I tell them that I am no quitter. My other favorite responses:

Back in the day, I had some male friends who did spring break on the cheap. No hotel room. They stayed in the bars all night then hit the beach during the day and slept there. They were dudes who didn't require a lot of maintaining. Shower at the place where you wash the sand off, find a public restroom and change

So, I am reading this and trying to figure out one thing that I do that probably irritates the crap out of my husband. Then I read your comment. I am with you on this one. When it comes to the garbage disposal, if it fits, I'll shove it in. And BAM! That's it. We had one of those "almost got divorced" fights over the

I am crying I laughed so hard. Perfectly said!!

I wore plus size clothing for years, but due to some health issues, I don't now. (Not the ideal way to lose weight, but it happened.) so, I have shopped on both sides of a lot of stores. First of all, trying on everything is great advice, no matter what size you are. Items always look different on a hanger. However,

The title reminded me of " Notes to My Future Husband" which is (or was) hilarious.

Irony: reading an article on my tablet about how the Internet is killing me.