What painful commute?
What painful commute?
I'm at the other end ('78) and resent being lumped in with you losers, except when I think about how much worse Gen Y is.
These things are hen's teeth anywhere with more than one season. Decent enough price, and any performance shortcomings can be taken care of easily enough. No, not as nice as an E30 or 2002, but a helluvalot more unique at this point.
Yeah, but only once you've lost all hope of stopping the spin and have locked the wheels so you go in a nice straight line.
I hope people buy a ton of these. I can't wait to get one when it's cheap enough to abuse.
This is so borderline. The turbocharged motor seems like it might be kind of a pain in the ass for a vehicle that I'd intend to neglect the hell out of and only drive a couple times a month, and I definitely don't need a 4x4. But damn, "Toyota" and "Truck" is a nice combination at anything under $5K.
Pick a BMW sedan to match your pice and be done with it.
My '95 (with torsen!) with 49K on it was $6K IIRC, and a decent deal at that. I can always wrap that top in vinyl or paint it myself, but I hope those "01"s are decals can be removed. If the car is rust-free and decent shape, $4500 is fine by me. I like orange and I like how they look with hard tops.
So, wait, is the problem the old people driving less than the upper bound we've put on speed, or the idiots speeding and passing on double yellows? Or are you just venting because everyone sucks (agreed!).
Sure it was a Porsche that ran him off the road. I can't imagine another way something bad could happen with such a talented and responsible driver behind the wheel.
The point of racing on a track isn't the interesting countryside you're passing and the crazy forces your body is experiencing. It's the combination of the intricate physics of car handling and the mental challenge of trying to figure out the exact line and speed necessary to nail a perfect lap. You can never do…
Ding ding ding.
If people aren't willing to invest millions in unproven methods, why are there cancer institutes investing tens or hundreds of millions in heavy particle therapies?
It's fun to take an extreme case and use it to generalize about every case!
I plan hospitals, and one thing that consistently gets thrown out is the idea of ditching the fast food in favor of something healthier. Patient groups absolutely will not have it. Particularly the parents of sick kids. Some of these people are in the hospital watching over kids with *bad* problems for weeks (or…
I'm guessing here, but I bet no MP3 player is going to drown out the sensation of plummeting to the ground in a burning plane, or even the sensation of making a quick emergency landing (which is NOT fun, having BTDT).
I think it's about redefining what a computer is, you know? People moving from mainframes to desktops felt the same sort of "wtf!?" that we do going to tablets.
A) Of course it requires workarounds if you're trying to fit a workflow from a laptop onto a tablet. The same is true going from a desktop to a laptop. USB drives are a pain, storage is limited, trackpads suck, you don't have always-on internet, yadda yadda yadda.
Apple also has just about the most efficient manufacturing system on earth now. The days of competing with them on price are over. The ace in their hole is that they can drop their prices considerably if the competition ever really heats up.
Have you ever even met someone who is transgendered?