
Technically speaking, not a thermonuclear threat. It's "merely" a nuclear threat.

needs moar miata.

FWIW, I'd call a tow truck if I can't get it onto firm ground VERY FAR from the shoulder. Flat tire on freeway? Call a damn tow truck.

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Even better than a helmet cam is one right at eye level...

How can they know if you're a threat if they can't read your email?

Oh, I dunno, one bukkake loving woman seems to be able to keep a production line busy, at least if those documentaries I've seen are accurate.

Car shows are kinda like a bunch of musicians getting together to quietly stare at their instruments in a parking lot. Some of them might be great musicians and instruments, but that is not a good use of time and boy are you going to get stuck in some truly awful conversations.

I fix the cars. I have saved us tens of thousands of dollars over the years. If you don't let me buy a Porsche, have fun getting serviced by the local mechanic! He's probably making $75 an hour!

My wife loves it when I use the word "rape" when trying to convince her to let me do something.

Not a student of history, are you?

The whole thing makes me wonder if they just need to get some money off their books for some reason.

This x 1,000. Minus a point because there are plenty of cases of people succeeding by designing a chassis and dropping in an off-the-shelf engine (see: Formula 1)

You can't take it to the track without roll protection and you wouldn't want to with the slushbox. It's slower than a properly set up M5x-powered E36 sedan. So it's kind of stupid if what you want is an M3.

I would get seriously pissed off if you removed my access to pie, but I don't think I have a pie problem.

Not an invasion of privacy, Jeffeb3, who spends a lot of time at a local catholic church, has kids at two different schools, works at Some Corp X and happens to frequent the public park where all the outdoor gay sex takes place?

I suppose this is a legit option, too.


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Neither one sound as good as a straight or flat six. Or a V12 or flat 12, for that matter.

Cast iron does not provide even heating compared to aluminum, copper or even steel. A crappy aluminum skillet will outperform cast iron in any contest of heating evenness.

I only say "Impossible" when I know I can do it. Nothing keeps your career alive like being a miracle worker!