
ABS has the power to modulate each wheel individually. I do not. On my Miata w/o ABS, I will *always* lock my right front tire WELL before the other tires have reached their limit. At that point I've got to back off the brakes. I could stop a hell of a lot faster with 4 channel ABS.

I gotta assume that any case that keeps water out using a vacuum seak is gonna suck.

I run in smartwool year round. My long sleeve base layer doesn't get oppressive until 70 degrees whereas every synthetic I've tried feels like crap once it's over 60 or so. And it's warm enough on it's own on a 30 degree day. My smartwool t-shirt is as comfortable on a 90 degree day as anything is. Both shirts get

Fuck. Yes. One of my most memorable moments was the first time I went to MIS for a NASCAR practice session. Holy mother of god, the sound is insane. No interest in watching it on TV, but it's awesome in person.

It doesn't even look like he was slowing down. Some kind of brake failure?

There's a difference between inexpensive and cheap.

She's ugly, but a freak in bed.

What purpose does putting him in jail for 15 years serve, exactly?

And address the fact that you can't put a rollbar in the NC without losing your passenger seat.

And mouse traps!

Saw the photo and came here to read comments from people who grew up in cities and suburbs and never had to deal with animals on anything but a pet level...

No time to watch the video at work, so Alton may do this already, but I make a lot of popovers and dutch babies (which are the same, except for shape) and preheating the cast iron, adding pre-melted butter, and getting it straight into the oven is the way you get maximum poofiness.

A2 Represent!

Heart clicky!

I am a serious Bimmerphile, but this is ALL about English and Italian GTs. I can name a dozen Ferraris, Jags and Astons that are better luxobarges than the E24.

To my eyes, that thing looks like it really, really WANTS to understeer but he won't let it. Poor little piggy.


This shouldn't be a surprise. This is the historical trend.

More traffic doesn't mean more fatalities, though. Sometimes it means FEWER fatalities, if it lowers speeds.

I freeze a stick of butter and cut off the paper half way up. Not useful for greasing cold pans, but if you're making a lot of pancakes or crepes you can swipe it around a hot pan and it melts off at just the right rate to keep it perfectly buttered. Do that with a regular refrigerated stick of butter and you wind