
If you can't cook a pizza or do a whole pork shoulder or brisket, it ain't much use to me. A big ceramic cooker is totally worth the investment, but for this price he coulda had a WSM.

My 535is was a tail happy bitch. Tons and tons of grip to lull you in to a sense of security. Then you'd crest a hill in a corner. The back end would unload and, woah..... I think the only thing holding the car to the ground in those moments was my anal sphincter.

This was the highlight of Maker Faire for me, I think. My 3 year old son won't stop talking about the thud at the end. Pure awesome.

@crd22: Trust me, you're missing the point. Go *drive* one and report back. :)

Roadfood.com and Jane and Michael Stern's Roadfood book is the only resource you need while traveling.

@tomsomething: Plus, it reminds you that you have no friends. :)

@tonyola: A rust-free mk1 rabbit in this condition is worth considerably more than $750 at this point.

@w1ngnut: He's also manhandling the world's craziest street legal monster around a track at death defying speed rather than playing a game at a computer and alternating laps around the track with laps to and from the 'fridge.

@alexander_the_car_salamander: At that power level I wonder how much power-to-weight matters. At "low" speed (under a hundred?) it's going to be all about how the drivetrain/suspension put the power down. After that, it's going to be aerodynamics, right?

@wohho: The wrong kinds of girls is what you should be after.

@sinyster: Or make up some crazy rules for his behavior behind the wheel. Set the bar so unbelievably high that you're guaranteed to be able to take the car from him after he breaks some silly rule.

No food or drink except on very, very long drives.

@Michael Crider: +1. Trackpads are totally fine for everything except technical/artistic software. Even the awesome trackpad on my macbook pro is a COMPLETE pain in the butt with autocad/sketchup/photoshop where you're doing a lot of fine manipulations all over the place and need to depress multiple buttons at once.

@monsterblues: If you want to quickly zoom an image you just use the keyboard shortcuts, right? Rotation is something I almost never need to do frequently enough to warrant a whole new trackpad.

My Miata is slower than a Camry. Maybe I'd be happier in the Toyota?

@Máté Petrány: Different car, sure, but I've seen racing instructors in Golfs beat students in Formula Fords. It'd be pretty damn impressive if he got within half second of an F1 driver in a car with twice the power.

Years of driving small deathtraps has made me paranoid about a few things. Both men and women seem equally ignorant of The Ways To Prolong Your Life In A Dangerous Car.