
It's running a slew of GM parts, but it's a swapped engine which means it's still got all the potential problems that swapped cars have.

@SantaRita: I love my Miata...but as soon as you mention Mazda you remember the rotary engines are 2/3 that size. Hard to argue against the rotary engine if you're talking about stuffing decent power in a tiny package. :)

I laugh when linux/bsd nerds whine about closed software and use the "would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?" line as the reason they refuse to buy a PC or an iPhone. None of them seem to realize that the hood *was* effectively welded shut on cars sometime in the early- to mid-1990's.

@FormerlyPreferredCustomer: AWD cars aren't my thing, but how can you not love these things? How many 4-seaters are faster than the STI at $36K?

@Buster Brew: I know of several 535i's that hit 300K miles, and a couple over 400K. The M30 is just as reliable and, well, yeah, you're not driving an ETA. :)

@wkiernan: Our city had a couple of hydrogen vehicles for a while, as well as a fairly large EPA test station with hydrogen refueling pump. I had a chance to talk to a firefighter who had spent a while trying to figure out what sort of risk the station and cars were.

@Sidetalker: It's probably true. My understanding of the way the reception meters work is that there's too little difference between 4 bars and 1 bar. A 1% difference in how the phone is held, its orientation wrt cell towers, or whatever can easily lead to a 75% difference in the number of bars displayed. I can see

@battra92: Shooting raw can take no more time than shooting jpeg. Just letting lightroom choose the develop settings for you will produce a better result than the camera ever can, simply because computer can use _way_ more processing power and doesn't have to clear it's memory out in a few tenths of a second. Hard

Microfiber cloths. What did we do before them? I keep a dozen in the car at all times.

@cobrajoe: Pricey is relative. My two year old bottle is _maybe_ 1/4 used.

@cobrajoe: Dollar for dollar, your money will always buy a quicker 0-60 if you skip the Ferrari. If that's how you measure performance, you're missing the point.

@psychiccheese: Have you actually *tried* the boxed wines that have come out over the last few years? Many are on par with mid-grade $10/bottle stuff and cost $25 for 4 liters. It's usually not wine you'd sit there and talk about over cheese, but it's entirely drinkable.

The UrRocco was just a golf with styling flair, too. Still awesome!

Is drifting popular enough that I can't bitch about it anymore?

@Enginerd: Non-messy? Graphite powder? Hahahah.

A fast turd is still a turd. I could appreciate the first gen cars, but the later ones didn't really embrace their price point. I can smell that interior still off-gassing. CP!

BS on the room temp steak. If you start with a really cold steak, the center will be done long after the outsides have turned grey. Even (especially) on a truly hot fire. Restaurants don't let meat come to room temperature because it's inconvenient and violates food safety regs, but it's NOT the best route to a

"Not tonight, honey. I bought you that hitachi magic wand for a reason. If I don't get the transmission back in by morning I'll have to drive the boring car to work."