
To be fair most countries that I’ve gone through exit inspections are more concerned about immigration than what you are carrying with you. For example, Japan literally scans you into and out of their country via QR codes on the visas. The only countries that seemed to care about inspecting your luggage is when I was

That is only because the US doesn’t have exit inspections that many other countries have. And in countries were it applies typically they give the local customs agent a call he comes over does whatever inspection is required and the plane is released for departure. When they arrive it is the same way in many cases,

The cost difference to build public works projects is one of the things crippling mass transit in the US. For some reason, likely a weird confluence of influence by both business and union interests, has caused any sort of US public works project to cost dramatically more than similar project (per a mile) than those

What was what I was referring to. It is a shame that it isn’t that popular, it was pretty funny.

Maybe we will get a good movie out of it too.

As far as I can tell only the exit part is new.

Exactly the Nightstalkers aren’t really secret nor are they an Air Force unit.

I wonder if that is still boucing around, as the impression I got from reports is that A New Hope as filmed was a hot mess, it was the editor (who was Lucas’s future ex-wife) who made it into the movie we love today.

*Marie Kondo looking at a Scrooge McDuckian style vault full of Yen, Euros, and dollars*

“This sparks joy.”

I personally am opposed to abortion in my personal life, but IMO these clinics and the general access to abortion have the right to exist and shouldn’t be regulated out of existence simply because people oppose what they do.

“And if I was an adversary I’d send a swarm of hundreds of anti-ship missiles. Highly cost effective to spend a few hundred million to sink a 12 billion dollar asset and deflate America’s bubble.”

This is the type of shit that should’ve been in this article, if you go by the video alone, between throwing her racket and yelling Parks (along with her father) looks like the aggressor/sore loser. But this information lends justifies their reaction somewhat, though not the attempt to start a fight.

Was it revenge porn? Because I was under the impression that the images were posted on reddit 3 years ago, and were only discovered now.

They painted a red star on it, that makes it different.

He’s said the opposite by having the show over he no longer feels the rush to attempt to finish the books before the show does.

For example, I seem to recall a gun shop in NJ wanting to sell ‘smart guns’ (guns that worked only if near a specific RFID chip in a bracelet/watch, to help with gun safety) and the NRA came down on them so hard to try to stop them from selling such a gun, under the guise of the ‘slippery slope’ argument (plus,

I can’t speak for her being a white supremacist idol, as I don’t run in those circles. The few I’ve met in my time have been more old school country or metal heads.

Let drivers set their own pricing formulas, the same way taxis do, and let users decide if they want to hail that driver or not.

I don’t think that show writers thing that it is plausible, just that is where they would get the least backlash from. If they set it in the Baltic it would be stereotypical, with people claiming that they are sticking to the Cold War mindset or just avoiding the plausible nations. If they set it in someplace

People bring up how Agassi was treated vs how Williams was treated, but they are viewing it through a modern lens, Agassi was hated by a lot of people throughout his asshole phase. Agassi was an asshole, he was mellowed in the recent years and people are able to look back and more easily see his greatness from back