
It isn’t weird, he is simply looking at this movie with the critical eye of the creator. Your Name was an audio visual masterpiece, the great visuals combined with the soundtrack, and an emotional story involving missed connections really resonated with the audience, but it had a number of plot holes, and lacked

I used the bidets in Japan, though I found them nice they were hardly a game changer IMO, particularly the mid-tier ones found in hotel room bathrooms. The higher end model, that I used in the bathroom at a restaurant, with the air dryer did make the experience a little more convenient.

I used the bidets in Japan, though I found them nice they were hardly a game changer IMO, particularly the mid-tier

Well I guess I need to change my hotel reservation for my Tokyo leg of the trip.

I’ve spent a lot of time with CBP agents, and am friends with a couple of them, so I’ve heard them talk shop.

I agree, these days cosplay seem less like random fans, but almost an industry onto itself.

American might have purchased updated 757s, but not Southwest.

We can, of course, blame Boeing for deciding to compete with the Airbus A320neo with a modified 737 versus a clean sheet design. By the time Boeing decided that they needed an answer to the neo, it was too late for the latter.

whether it’s training or selective hiring

Hopefully the first version replacement doesn’t suck like Photos (where it replaced Aperture), and FCPX did.

You can own them for the purposes of collecting them, but any transport of them was a gray area of the law, but most cops would just give you a lecture.

Sees a sheathed bowie knife in the back seat (fully legal in every state)...

Well we know that this is going to resurface in the future, probably during a graduation party.

For me an overwhelming amount of the great moments were in this final episode, but I think this is the only episode that didn’t feel like I was watching it on fast forward. This is the first time this season that they took the due amount of time for things to build up.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

Which is why I don’t think he was actually fired. Disney probably went and said “James lay low for a little while while we claim that we fired you, when this all blows over we will claim that we’ve reconsidered our decision and rehire you officially.”

Customer service people having the ability to just freeze a driver is also way too much authority. The most they should have is to prevent any new deliveries or contact attempts to that address to go through that driver. Anything that can majorly affect someone’s income should come from someone higher up than a custome

No, she wasn’t in any immediate danger, someone who texted her exactly twice isn’t a threat, being a creep doesn’t mean he is a rapist or a murderer. And even if she is in danger what is a customer service rep going to do about it? If she truly felt she was in danger there is a number for that 911.

Well they are in good company with the SPLC then.

The show for the last two to three seasons have been on fast forward. And that has been hurting the show. The War for the Dawn arc should’ve been enough for an entire season. Now we have what 3 episodes to conclude the Iron Throne arc. And unless they are going to for a the bad guy wins ending, the only way to

Mako Jammers

Mako Jammers