
A iced Americano (depending on the espresso) is sooo delightful on the taste buds. I can't put anything else in it (especially because milk, cream, and sugar is too overpowering). However, a great iced coffee (not sure how Nick the Quick has his...cream and sugar are typical first time adjustments) can hit the spot

I will go further: It’s not even art. It’s provocation with a twirly artistic moustache painted on using dayglo paint as a ‘disguise.’ Miley is the person who says what she’s not supposed to say in the way she’s not supposed to say it. She’s always doing pop while rolling her eyes or being transgressive while making po

But then how will Tebow make the big leagues?

In all fairness the Warriors are happy to move out of Oakland and be free to charge the moon for Tix at the new place. Everything that arena stands for is what the Warriors' ownership are ditching

Luxury is when you feel pampered, and yes, it can be in a Mazda. Ostentatious and unnecessary design that only excludes buyers is class warfare, not to mention sound business strategy.

Yeah they should design the cars smaller mainly based on this race. I’m sure there’re some safety, physics, or psychological benefits to having the cars be bigger, but I can’t think of any and I really don’t care. This race should be more entertaining to compete for our eyeballs and no excuses to compel attention.

Holding pigeons and then giving them a head start is animal abuse? You are the old lady who lived in the shoe

Luckily for the pigeons they weren’t held harmfully and since they literally fly everywhere being thrown wasn’t anything more than a head start.

Why does it have to be faster or better? I think it’s better shifting myself. I like doing it, it feels good. When I’m in an automatic with a ‘better’ transmission I feel really bored.

In center field at every ballpark (I believe) there is a purposeful demarcation where the background is made a distinct color to help the white baseball and red seams stand out so that batters can pick it up. This is because quality of light and colors of seats and decorations can confuse the eye during pitch

Danaerys will kill Tyrion or Jon. Arya will kill Danaerys. Sansa will be queen. If Jon lives, he’ll go North with the Wildlings and Brianne will get with the red haired guy. Bran will turn into a tree with red leaves or something.

Add Audi to VW sales and lol

To advocate for the Devil for a moment, intention is one thing and the way that an idea functions in the real world due to our laws and economic system is a completely other thing. In this case, the Good idea clearly led to a bad result. But was it the idea, or the meddlers who twisted it? Regardless, reality decided

Somehow many things that don’t deserve to exist manage to survive for the sake of convenience...

Okay so, if I understand you correctly, you advocate for the sport to perceive people in such a way that the end result is the sport becoming completely dominated by those with high testosterone levels (Almost exclusively “males” with testes and XY chromosomes), and to the detriment of those people born with lower

The Dodgers is a name about dodging something, which this guy failed to do, and quite handily. O, the ironies!

It’s great that you’re okay with it. If only everyone else could be like that. But when you’re doing something stressful and a kid is just screaming, it triggers a reaction.

Edit: oh maybe you were kidding? Either way it got me fired up which took my mind off this cold I have: Edit

It helps to be physically gifted. We saw it growing up: a parent holds their child back for a year and he dominates the competition all through high school. Giannis is physically a senior playing against a talented frosh/soph league. How his game ages will determine alot. Same thing was true with LeBron, who totally ca

I miss first album Alanis. Second album Alanis was so bleh