
There are “geographical” spaces on the internet where you can ignore anything you don’t want to see. There’s Reddit, and the wherever Trump people get their facts, amongst others. And, like, reality is a place where things take time and effort to get to. Similarly, the internet is getting so vast that the same

Hopefully it’s more on the antifragility side of things, like bones

Yah if you’re heavily into 90s sci-fi B-movie styling

Nope. He had buzzed sides and back and his thinning hair on top was over a foot long. He was in his forties, the son of immigrants who “ came into this country legally and didn’t expect nothing.” The more he talked the crazier he got so I just started agreeing with him. I could see a guy like him shooting someone over

Breaking Bad is fun but you kinda have to make the plunge of your own volition.

No,I totally get you, Tom. Haven’t watched any Season 2 of Stranger Things and I don’t wanna. Had much more fun watching Bleach! Star Trek:Discovery was way better than slumming through Sneaky Pete season 2. Season 1 of Frasier is hilarious compared to Brooklyn 99 nowadays. I could go on and on

I just had a customer at my place of business yell at me that anyone who buys a foreign car is committing treason and should be thrown in jail and/or executed. Keep that in mind in case it becomes a thing.

So you’re saying that I should take time out of my day to consider whether or not Harden deserves the MVP more than James. The tip of the point you are making is this game’s performance. My counter is the next time Harden has a great game and James doesn’t. In addition to that, I also don’t think it fucking matters as

Tom Brady? Heh, that’s weird, because he acts like a Tom LADY. Take that, you Boston Moronathons

Huh. Depends where you get them. Because store-bought strawberries are awful, bland junk that they breed tough enough to survive shipping. Real strawberries grown at the right local stands turn to mush if you try to drive em a few miles and taste like heaven. But maybe you have no soul and don’t like those either.

what about hte combination Taco Bell?

I drove behind a guy with a blue sportwagen that he’d lowered and put on R brakes and R wheels. Had some Orca license plate. I must say it looked pretty dope to see a guy driving his family in a tuned wagon. It looked less awkward than the way other Golfs look lowered, that’s for sure

I was a HUGE fan. But the last season and a half is almost unwatchable in my opinion. No good plots

Yeah pot heads fail to take into account nose deafness

Im such an Aginner. First, I was agin the Halo. But, I decided, there was too much hate—I’m agin hates—so I’m agin the aginning, and I’ve decided the Halo is an apt solution. Tune in next week as I go agin the aginning that I originally was agin.

Oh no. I was only prepared to hypothetically fuck myself a finite amount of times. Oh dear.

I unfortunately work at a drive-thru and the moment I hear that stupidity I immediately suggest slightly silly options and within about a second they correct me with their exact order.

Bruh. Go fuck yuh self

Keep up the good fight, man

Cops around UCI campus pulled me over at night for, like, out of date registration tags? Not sure I remember but I was totally lost and the guy let me go with a warning.